Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Arizona Aquaponics

Helping each other to learn and grow big nutritious plants and fish to help feed the world.

Location: Phoenix
Members: 230
Latest Activity: Oct 7, 2019


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Comment by Nathanael on September 2, 2012 at 9:13am

Hey Bob, I'm glad the PDF could be of use to your. And sorry Rupert that the credit was not placed where credit was due. 

Bob, I haven't heard of that movie. I must check it out. What is it about? Glad to hear it was a good heart shaker for you.

Comment by RupertofOZ on September 2, 2012 at 8:55am

Re stocking density.... is ALWAYS primarily related to filtration capacity.. full stop...

Obviously there's a limit to how small a volume of water is needed to house the fish... (fish tank volume)... but filtration capacity is THE factor...

Comment by RupertofOZ on September 2, 2012 at 8:53am

Wow.... there's an aweful lot of photos of my systems in that PDF...

And not a single mention of my name....

Comment by Bob Campbell on September 2, 2012 at 1:02am

@Nathanael - Thank you for the link to Intro_Aquaponics.PDF

At first I thought - oh it's just another basic beginners doc. 

Glad I read it through to the end.

By the way I watched a terrific movie tonight called "I AM".   I was deeply moved by this film. 

Comment by Nathanael on September 1, 2012 at 11:33pm

That makes perfect sense and I think your numbers are dead on. Only factor I'm playing in may be that because my system is young and the fishies will be as well :) I may have ample time to add more grow beds by winter to level out the initial purchase of say 50 and keeping up with the increase in waste.

My fear is that if I only get 30... then in a couple of months realize that I am needing another bache of 20, I could be in trouble. At this point I don't have a separate grow out tank and fingerling tank. But... maybe that's exactly what I need to start working towards sooner than later.

Is your system split John? meaning, fingerling tank and grow tank.... maybe sump and Fish Tank.... If sump, do you stock fish in it?

Comment by John Malone on September 1, 2012 at 11:02pm
Stocking Density
How many fish you put in your system is dependent on two main factors. 1) Water volume 2) Filtering capacity
In my case I have over 500 gallons of water. At the recommended rate of 1lb per 5 gallons I could consider up to 67 fish, assuming final,weight of the fish of 1.5 lbs
Filtering capacity is recommended at 1 lb fish per square foot of grow bed. With 48 sq feet of grow bed space and the same 1.5 lb final fish weight, I can stock 32 fish.
So, in my case, the filtering capacity is the limiting factor. Theoretically I should stay will 32 fish, but that's assuming all the fish are going to be the same size at the same time, which certainly isn't going to be the case. Also, as soon as some of the fish achieve the final weight they'll be harvested, and there's always attrition. So I rounded the 32 fish up to 40, assuming that the guidelines/recommendations are conservative.
Comments are welcome.
Comment by Nathanael on September 1, 2012 at 9:51pm

Sounds great Larry. Thanks a bunch.  Looking forward to connecting.

Comment by Larry on September 1, 2012 at 9:41pm

@Nathanael 50 fish will do well they are almost fry stage, yes they are male and female. I sell them to the aquaponics group $1 per head (as Sheri puts it the tails are free with the purchase of a head :)

I started my system with 50 fry and being as they are small they will not over whelm your system and give your bacteria a chance to grow with the fish. I am in Hawaii ATM will be back on Sunday. My home is I17 & Thunderbird so we are not far apart. Would love to take a peek at your system. I will send a friends request so i can give you my contact info with out broadcasting it to the world.

Comment by Nathanael on September 1, 2012 at 6:34pm

Hey @John Malone, Here is a link to a great start up PDF. Towards the end it has formulas for estimated ratios for fish tanks to grow bed and also fish pounds per tank gallons. 

Thought it might intrest you. You've probably already seen most of it but some info is super helpful if not just a good refresher.

Comment by Nathanael on September 1, 2012 at 6:16pm

hey @John Malone, I always thought that the ratio was 1fish to 5gl of fish tank. Or even as spreak as 1 to 7. 

With 2 - 6'x3x15" gravel flood and drain and 1 - DWC approx. 100gl... shouldn't the fish count be closer to 50 or would that be when the system is more mature?

What would need to grow for 50 to be a good number?

I agree that 30 would be a wise number to start with. My hope is to eventually have 50. Probably next years stock. 

Thanks for the help.


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