Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Arizona Aquaponics

Helping each other to learn and grow big nutritious plants and fish to help feed the world.

Location: Phoenix
Members: 230
Latest Activity: Oct 7, 2019


Thank you all for joining my group, I hope to do a lot with all anyone interested. Please
tell me any event suggestions you would like us to do.

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Comment by John Malone on September 4, 2012 at 5:51pm

@Sheri:   Your fingerlings...

I haven't updated you on how the fingerlings that I got from you are doing.

You must have given me the super-fast, extra hungry ones because they are growing like weeds.  I had one die a week or so back, but that's not unexpected.  Other than that I'm thrilled with them.   They're about 4-5 inches long now and starting to look like proper fish rather than little wisps of things.  Even the super-tiny one is making good progress.

Thanks so much.

If anyone wants good fish, Sheri is the place to go...

Comment by James Jasper on September 4, 2012 at 5:40pm

my air pump died!  and i will have to replace it.   i had read some comments earlier about a good replacement choice, but cannot find it now.  does anyone have a suggestion for a replacement?

Comment by John Malone on September 4, 2012 at 1:41pm

@Sheri : PTO = Power Take Off.  See this link

You can hook any number of implements to them, such as post-hole diggers, wood saws, pumps, grain augers, etc, etc.   Mighty useful things.   They can also kill you quicker than you can blink!

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on September 4, 2012 at 12:29pm

@Larry, it was you, yes. LOL! But it wasn't your fault. I knew to go back and double check, and I didn't. My bad, not yours. That said, it forced us to do what we needed to do, and we really enjoyed the meal & have 6 more meals in the freezer!

@Shane, have you looked at solar ovens? We're shopping for a solar oven and parabolic solar oven, too. What's "PTO on the tracker?"

Comment by Larry in Casa Grande on September 4, 2012 at 11:52am

Sheri! Oh Man, I feel bad!

I think I know who the bad person was that bought fish that day.................. that Larry in Casa Grande guy. Oh my!

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on September 4, 2012 at 10:44am

Things have been busy here with a new goat & Bob taking time off to work on projects. So I have a lot of catching up to do.

We harvested 14 fish; about 1/3 of our stock. We intended to do it, but not quite yet. However, when you do a stupid you pay the price. After pulling some fish from our fingerling tank last Thursday, I never went back to make certain the overflow siphons were working. We had a gradual drainage of the system over many hours, which killed aeration.

When we caught it, we had to plop a number of fish into a cooler immediately So, we got the system back in order and cleaned fish...and cleaned fish...and cleaned fish. We got pretty good at the fileting  business!

I tell you, cooked slow & low with butter and lemon pepper, we had the best doggone fish dinner I've ever had!  It was tender and sweet. Better than anything I've bought in a store or had in a restaurant. :)

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on September 4, 2012 at 10:35am

Hi, Shane! CG Larry (Casa Grande Larry, not to be confused with North Phoenix Larry) told me you were getting online. We have 1.25 acres, too. Do you intend to have animals? Our back 1/2 is dedicated to the livestock, chickens, etc & the front half to humans and animals that think they're human. So...what type of lifestyle are you working toward?  How are our fish doing?

Comment by Larry on September 4, 2012 at 6:28am

Welcome to the group Shain H There are some realy nice land scapeing idael you can do with your Aquaponics Just need to look around I have a PDF file will try to figure out how to post it after work today. 

undefined try this link off to work now bye

Comment by Chris George on September 3, 2012 at 4:58pm

@Bob Campbell....Hi!...I watched the fluidized filter video, very cool.....what is K-1?? (the media used in the filter...).  Your new design looks fun!!

Comment by Bob Campbell on September 3, 2012 at 4:28pm

Here's a new design I'm working on.  Let's see how Toni (my wife) reacts


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