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Started by Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr. Mar 21, 2019. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr. Jan 4, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr. Jan 4, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Hey everyone, I posted this on the facebook site, figured I do it here too, I'm updating my fish feeder...
thx for contributing all. Dr. Brooks, what are you harvesting?! I've got to get me some good seeds of things i know will grow in AZ instead of the dollar tree seeds. that may be one of my probs. not everything is going to grow here. not sure how much of it is that.
Matt, tomatoes?! I guess cuz the shade. mine are really starting to get dried out.
i've gotta get a raised bed going so i can compare. those chickens don't make it easy cuz it'll require fencing, too.
Jeff, I have heard others say they grow better in soil. i'm gonna have to see if i can be more successful before i invest in the pond i wanted to do. there's green but not tons of produce production which is discouraging.
I bought some fry from John last year and last month my 8" tilapia had their own babies. I am leaving the babies in the stock tank (Only the strong will survive).
I love the breeding colors of the tilapia. My fish turn almost golden with dark red fins.
We'll see. My system is a year old.
first year harvest may be a little lacking, but once your growbeds mature, you'll get better results
@Matt, @Kim,
I'm getting the same results Matt.
I've come to the conclusion that there's more to aquaponics than putting fish in a tank and planting seeds. While seeds do well and seedlings grow fast the final product isn't all I've heard. What I didn't get is that you have to add a lot of different things to the water to really produce. My plants do better in the dirt than in the GBs. I've started adding some nutrients to my water now. Let's see what happens. Finding the various nutrients is a little difficult and knowing how much and how often is another matter. Hydroponics would be much more simple.
I have been doing peppers, tomatoes and strawberries. The tomatoes haven't produced yet, the peppers are doing fine but they tend to soften on spots I believe sun is effecting them even with the shade cloth I may need to double it up. Strawberries are producing but are small
To Kim's question we are producing 1 to 2 pounds/day. Preparing to plant second Summer crop. Storm last week took out the squash.
anyone producing anything in their system? my foliage has been beautiful but i only got 2 random cukes so far, something else (I think a cantelope started to get a good few inches round-something ate it), and 2 one inch watermelons so far. some tomatoes are still green on the vines and some cukes looked like they started and then shriveled up. my chickens are eating the foliage on the bottom of the system and today some foliage looked like it was dying but still lots of green. little bit of a trail of white something or other-some kids of eggs?
DJ, I haven't even done AP for a year so i'm a newbee, but from what I've read I can imagine u'll be fine now! if not, then u would want to consider shading and insulating the garden beds, too.
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