Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Arizona Aquaponics

Helping each other to learn and grow big nutritious plants and fish to help feed the world.

Location: Phoenix
Members: 230
Latest Activity: Aug 7, 2024


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Comment by Jim Troyer on October 15, 2014 at 3:58am

HI all  I'm currently out of town so I can't help with the babies.  I do know where you can get some adult fish for a very reasonable price.  call Charly at 928.606.3534

Comment by lisa outland on October 14, 2014 at 4:58pm
I bought my fingerlings; catfish & tilapia ; from Tilapia store in Florida
Comment by Arlene Baker on October 14, 2014 at 11:06am

Tucson may be a wee bit different; I am still kicking around what to do. I would love to get some catfish (as I am from Illinois, and love that dirty cat), but may have to settle for the koi or you said comet goldfish? I am in Central Phoenix; anyone know of good and reasonable places to obtain these fish or is Petsmart my option? Also, has anyone ever got any fish from the Food and Game department? if so, how or who do I call?

Comment by Zach Moler on October 13, 2014 at 10:52pm

Its been a while since ive logged in here, so I just lurked through some of the posts, I have a 1000 gal in ground tank, I was using blue tilapia (I have no issues with hot water in the summer, in Tucson/marana) but I am going to try channel catfish for the next season from a supplier in oro valley. As for using cheap goldfish, I still have at least 20 comet goldfish still alive that have gotten pretty big and a few koi in the tank too (the koi seem the hardest to kill)

Comment by Arlene Baker on October 13, 2014 at 11:02am
@Jim: do you have any fry for sale? Nothing seems to grow in my bed. The dukes and squash all got that bug that makes squiggly lines, and I picked leaves til the poor plants are long scrawny things. I think it is because I do not have enough fish in my IBC tank. There are presently about a dozen plus of guppies and mollies, one 5inch pleco.

@John...I lost all the cheap goldfish as well. They were like sacrificial lambs in the new tank. If I can't get any tilapia, will go the koi route. I have 2 fish tanks in the house, and they have houseplants growing okay. Cannot seem to get anything started from seed inthecentral beds, except an ice cream bean tree. Got 2 of those going.

Does anyone know if that Maxicrop plant food is safe to add so my plants have more food?
I already add iron, which I know is okay..
Comment by Kim Romen on October 13, 2014 at 10:18am

Jim, is it a good time to shut off the pump at night?

Comment by Kim Romen on October 13, 2014 at 10:18am

Jim, all the little fish i put in the main tank and sump are dead.  some for sure died cuz they got sucked into the pump.  not sure if that's why they all died.  i'm wondering about the temps in the garage.  maybe those fish will have an easier time?  we don't mind looking at them and throwing in some food.  easier to watch them than the ones in the main AP

Comment by Jim Troyer on October 13, 2014 at 7:23am

Hi John and Kim Et Al:

John why don't you try a 50% water change if you are having problem with mortality.  The minerals and other pathogens do build up over time.


I would go ahead and put the garage fish in the main tank so you can get some extra growth out of them the larger tank provides.  It's not too early to hook up that that solar heater to retain the heat either, just watch the water temps

all the best,


Comment by Kim Romen on October 10, 2014 at 10:31am

My water is currently 71.2.  anyone shutting off their pumps at night to retain warm water, yet, or is it too warm?  i lost a bunch of my largest fish this summer when the power was off at night and just lost a bunch of babies that i think got chewed up in the pump, or not sure what happened.  have 5 or 6 decent size tilapia right now and 30 or so in a small fish tank in the garage that i will keep there for the winter. 

John, i missed your pics of your harvests over the summer.  was anyone able to grow anything?  all i was successful with was okra, so i ended up planting both beds full of okra.  i have some tomatoes and other things started in the beds, but they're so shaded from the okra, we'll see how long it takes for them to take off.  i won't be able to pull the okra out, either, as the roots are so big that it will pull up everything else.   i think i'll have to just cut them when it's time to get rid of them.

anyone ever try Koi?  it'd be interesting to look up the nutritional values of Koi and how tasty it is. 

Comment by John Malone on October 7, 2014 at 9:19pm

I'm currently trying goldfish.  Had no luck at all with tilapia this summer.  Couldn't keep them alive.   The cheapest goldfish from the pet store are a waste of money.  They don't last long at all.  Over 90% fatalities.   The next size up seem to be a bit better.  Over 70% survival currently.

I don't understand it.  The last two years I kept tilapia through two winters and barely lost one.  This year I can't keep my fish alive.


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