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Arizona Aquaponics

Helping each other to learn and grow big nutritious plants and fish to help feed the world.

Location: Phoenix
Members: 231
Latest Activity: Aug 7


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Comment by Matt Miskinnis on September 9, 2013 at 8:18am

Oh, I should also mention, if you design you system correctly you could have it where you only have to worry about filling one grow bed and can daisy chain other grow beds to fill and drain - kind of think of it like a pyramid where the one on the top fills and then drains into a grow bed below it etc...

Comment by Matt Miskinnis on September 9, 2013 at 8:15am

@Bayy, you may want draw out a design of what you're thinking, that may help us in understanding what you're trying to do.  I have what you call a CHIFT PIST system (Constant Height In Fish Tank - water always stays the same level, and Pump In Sump Tank - the sump water level will change)  I only have a single pump that works my entire unit and gravity does the rest. 

Comment by Bayy Quest on September 9, 2013 at 7:39am

Any one using a ram pump on there system and if so did you buy it or build it? So I need a pump for each Ibc tote, but what did you use as a grow bed for the other grow bed hooked up to the ibc. Next so I need two pumps one from the fish tank pumping  water up to the filter then the water flows in to the grow beds, water fills up the bell syphon kicks in and water sinks to a sump tank then water has to be bumped back to the fish tank? 

Comment by Matt Miskinnis on September 9, 2013 at 7:21am

@Jim regarding the shade cloth.  AZ can be a brutal environment for plants with heat and direct sun light, I have tomato plants that I left uncovered for about a week and the leaves were starting to shrivel and burn.  I also have pepper plants that seemed to do fine.  I just came to the conclusion to be safe than sorry, I also lost all my seed start ups to the heat/sunlight too (they were uncovered)

Comment by Matt Miskinnis on September 9, 2013 at 7:15am

I have yet to see a system that can run without a water pump because the water needs to return to its source so the water first needs to be run up and then let gravity take over to have the water return.  As for an air pump, if you are using media in your growbed you dont need one, if you are doing a DWC then yes I would suggest air pumps.  I also use two air pumps for the fish tank

Comment by Bayy Quest on September 9, 2013 at 5:52am

I dont wanna use solar for the whole house I am renting, I want it just to run the water pumps. I am thinking small scale for the solar power unit. That way if I had to bug out I could grab the solar unit system and where I have to relocate I could useit to start another unit at my next location. I am looking for a propane freezer or propane fridge. As for using IBC totes does that require a water pump and air pump each?

Comment by Bob Campbell on September 9, 2013 at 1:11am

@Matt - 

1) I sowed my shade cloth with zip ties.  One loop every few feet.

2) I have a problem with all of the solar lease deals I've ever seen.  Once it's installed they own your roof forever.  Be careful and read the contract.

3) I totally agree with you about building your own tanks.  I had to disassemble mine after spilling water so many times it began to rot.  They are more difficult to plumb, and in the end they cost more.  A good ag tank or IBC is a much better way to go.

Comment by Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr. on September 9, 2013 at 12:47am

My experience only:

1. 35% shade cloth (though I have systems that do just fine in the summer without it)

2. There appears to be a relationship between algae and pH. The lower the pH. (I hold mine at 6.8), the lower the algal cell density.

Comment by Jim Hall on September 8, 2013 at 11:49pm
Been in AZ for a few weeks and by no means an expert, but on Maui in Hawaii, the 75% cloth wasn't enough for my fish tanks, as far as algae. The fish grazed, but I had mylar, pallets and grow beds over and maintained about 73 degrees, but it seemed to be too much shade for the plants. If I did it again, I would shade the fish, some of the grow area, but 50% to no shade for the plants. But that's Maui, so ambient air temp is nothing like AZ, but misters maybe in some sort of low percentage shade house for the plants sounds good. AttenMeet up Meetup on Saturday and it was suggested.
Comment by Samson J. Loo on September 8, 2013 at 11:21pm

@Randy I'll have to look at Harbor Freight. Thanks for sharing that.


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