Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Arizona Aquaponics

Helping each other to learn and grow big nutritious plants and fish to help feed the world.

Location: Phoenix
Members: 230
Latest Activity: Oct 7, 2019


Thank you all for joining my group, I hope to do a lot with all anyone interested. Please
tell me any event suggestions you would like us to do.

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Comment by Jim Troyer on September 18, 2013 at 11:32pm

That's pretty cool the way you stacked those tomatoes Dr. Brooks ;-D

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on September 18, 2013 at 2:33pm

On October 5 I'll be teaching three classes for the VPA:

An Introduction to Urban Aquaponic Gardening from 10 to noon.
Learn more and register here:

Wrangling Red Wigglers - Constructing a Kitchen Worm Composter from 1-2:30.
Learn more and register here:

Introduction to Square Foot Gardening from 3-4:30.
Learn more and register here:

These will all be held at the VPA Offices
1122 E Washington St
City/Town: Phoenix, AZ 85034

Also, our SupUrban Farm's fall classes are open, so if you miss the VPA classes, you can join us in Gilbert on the following dates:

Introduction to Aquaponics, November 13 from 7-8:30 pm.

Raising Redworms, November 19 from 7-8:30 pm.

Square Foot Gardening, October 2 from 7-8:30 pm.

Our full class listing can be found here:

We now have a full garden series that takes you from types of gardens to building your own.

Comment by Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr. on September 16, 2013 at 9:41am

Greetings Bob. Re: Cherry Tomatoes. Last year they produced until the cold nights overwhelmed the latent heat of the water in the tank and they froze in January. So, going to give them a try again. Here is a pic from last December:

Comment by Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr. on September 16, 2013 at 8:32am

Fall planting so far. 19ft2 done. 30 to go.

Simpson Lettuce

Red Sails Lettuce

Mustard Greens

Red chard
Yellow Straight Neck Squash
Bok Choy
Armenian Cucumber
Golden Bell Sweet Pepper
Anaheim Chili
Cherry Tomatoes
Roma Tomatoes
Wild Purslane

Holdovers from summer: 30 pounds tilapia
Yard Long Beans
Black Eyed Peas

Comment by Matt Miskinnis on September 12, 2013 at 7:18am

Thanks Jim, I'll stop by this weekend.  I'll give you a call.

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on September 11, 2013 at 9:10pm

I don't use the valves, either. I used one in the first one I built, and it caused more failure than those without! I just stick a hose in one end and push water through. It pushes the air out & all is happy. With backup siphons, I don't have problems often, but when fish are large enough and are mating, they tend to shift things around. That's the biggest problem I've had. In grow beds that wouldn't be a problem, though. 

Matt, it sounds like you have your duckweed!

Comment by Jim Troyer on September 11, 2013 at 8:18pm

@ Matt:  I have plenty of duck weed, stop by for a scoop anytime... Tilapia like water melons too.  I had one hanging into the fish tank from the grow bed.  It seemed like it wasn't growing much lately so I picked it up and it was hollow from the back side!  The fish had opened it up and completely cleaned the shell down to the green outside covering!

@ Pat:If you want to daisy chain your grow beds they will need about 8" of drop between each grow bed.  I use 2 stand pipes in my systems.  The lowest stand pipe is either 1" or 3/4" pvc with a ball valve to adjust flow rate and the higher stand pipe is 1.5" or 2".  I have been able to drop the connecting tubes to the floor level allowing a walk way and back up without causing flow problems if there is the 8" drop of a cinder block between grow beds.  I don't like bell siphons so I use a timer and run the system about 25% in the winter and 50% in the summer.

@ Sheri.  I don't have much trouble with the 6 bridge siphons I use in the house between the 10 gallon grow out aquariums or the siphons for the 6 - 55 gallon brood aquariums.  They do get plugged up with fish solids over time so they need to be flushed out.  I use redundant (2 per) 3/4" PVC siphons between each tank.

BTW: I have a bunch of real nice 4"-6" fish if anyone needs them $2 a head and we throw in the tails. There's more in the pipeline too! I special order tilapia floating fry formula fish food (39% protein) and larger size adult fish food too - $2 a pound

for those wondering about siphon bridges...

I just use a glued U-shape of PVC.  I did away with the little valve thing between tanks (parts left out cause no problems).  To make it work I hold the siphon at a 5-10 degree angle over the fish tanks with the open ends up and fill one side with water using a small pond pump forcing the air out the other side.  When the water is free flowing and I think the air is out; I put my finger partially into the tube restricting the water flow to prevent air flowing back up the tube and tip/lower it into the water.  As soon as both ends are in the water you can take the pump and fingers away and it will work just fine for a couple of months.  Be sure not to place the siphon bridges near a bubbler device; once they fill with bubbles they quit working.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!


Comment by Chris George on September 11, 2013 at 7:42pm

Wish I had some to give you Matt, but mine all died (again), haven't found the right environment for it yet.  I get mine from Garden Pool at Dobson and Rio Salado, they are a non-profit and for a $10 donation they will actually mail you 1/4 cup....which is not in my budget, but I usually get a bag at an event (like a tour) for $5 donation....they have a tour coming up on the 21st btw....

Comment by Matt Miskinnis on September 11, 2013 at 7:27pm

Sheri, thanks, If I don't hear from Jim who would be the closest I'll come over to your place.  I'm busy Saturday helping my Mom and Dad with her Clay shoot at Ben Avery.  Let me know if Sunday would be okay - anytime that is good for you.

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on September 11, 2013 at 4:36pm

Matt, I do. We're just so faaaaaarrrrr away! :)
I know tilapia like spinach, chard, and mustard, too.


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