best way's to heat fish tank water, different types of heaters,diy heaters, correct water temp
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Started by Phil Slaton. Last reply by Jeff S Jan 9, 2016. 7 Replies 0 Likes
A photo of oneof my heaters hanging outside a 1,200 tank awaiting the winter. I am working to bring fry of pure strain T. Hornorum improved body male (nicknamed Wami) Tilapia and pure strain African…Continue
Started by Randy Turner. Last reply by Paul Trudeau Aug 20, 2014. 22 Replies 0 Likes
Has anyone utilized solar hot water systems to heat or ground source heat pumps to cool aquaponics systems? I considering alternatives to lighten electricity/ natural gas load as much as possible in…Continue
Started by randy proctor. Last reply by Christopher Willis Jun 25, 2014. 4 Replies 0 Likes
would a waterbed heater heat a 125 gal ibc tank for tilapiaContinue
Started by Randy Moss. Last reply by Timothy McMaster Jan 24, 2014. 12 Replies 1 Like
I have been working on a tank heater for a long time , i made it out of a hot water heater element, and it works great, check it out on youtube aquaponics/hydroponics (fish tank heater) made simple.…Continue
Is the garage insulated or is it pretty close to the same temperature as outside? You said it snowed last night so I'm assuming it's at least in the 20-30's at night. Also, what type of fish do you have? Like Rick said the water temp you maintain is going to be a compromise between what's best for you fish, bacteria and plants. That doesn't mean you can't keep your water at 80 degrees F which would be ideal for tilapia (and they will reproduce at this temperature) but not ideal for most plants and bacteria. Like the fish many plants and bacteria can adapt to this 'not' ideal temperature :)
What kind of fish do you have? Are you growing anything in your AP system? If you want the fish to eat, it needs to be anywhere from 55 - 75 degree water. The optimum environment for the fish, bacteria, and plant root zones are 70 degrees. Provided there is enough light and nutrients to keep everything happy. It is a balancing act of all these factors: Light, nutrients, minerals, PH, and temperature.
Trout will be happy at the low end of the spectrum, Tilapia at the other end. What a fish will tolerate and what it will thrive in are two different things. Tilapia like 80 degree water. Mine do well in 70 degree water but will not reproduce at that temperature.
Your bacteria and root zone are most productive when kept at 65 - 70 degrees. Cooler than that, and your bacteria diminish in there ability to do their job and many of your plants will slow their uptake of nutrients. Too warm is not good for them either. Lack of light will cause leggy growth in a warm environment, and usually results in bug problems, as well as a lack of nutrients.
If you keep your water and air temp on the cool side through winter, the metabolism of your fish will slow, they will eat less, your plants will slow their growth in response to the lack of warmth, light, and nutrients. Inncrease the temp and light, your fish will eat more, create more waste, the bacteria will become more active increasing the nutrient supply to your plants and your plants will grow more.
Balance all the factors for dormancy or growth.
depends on what the temperature in your garage is.
does anyone know of a 120v stainless steel water heater element? It seems most all you can find online are 240v or if they are 120v they are copper, nickel or zinc. Also, when talking stainless steel, what is the difference between resistored stainless steel and non-resistored stainless steel? Would they both be considered safe for aquaponics?
This stove will heat your greenhouse and AP system for a couple of bucks a day. Soon it will be UL listed, which means you can heat your house and if your AP system is in the house the tanks are heated as well! Their new primary burn chamber and dampner regulates the stove down to burning about a pound of pellets an hour on low. Running continuously, it would still only cost about $3 a day to heat your house or greenhouse and AP system.
Tilapia pick at anything in the tank trying eat the bio-film off the objects. They can and will eat rafts as well.
I'll have to leave some one else to answer on this one since I've never had tilapia in a heated tank, which is why I no longer have tilapia.
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