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Aquaponics For Beginners


Aquaponics For Beginners

This is a place where Beginners can post questions and find answers.

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Discussion Forum

A few fish for sale or good home

Started by Linda Logan. Last reply by Linda Logan Feb 2, 2019. 1 Reply

I need to shut down my indoor system for a few months. I have 2 mature Shubunkin, 1 albino Hypostomus to clean the aquarium. There is another small fish living in the sump.I live in SE Portland and…Continue

Aquaponics system as filter for swimming pool

Started by John Wilson. Last reply by Wade J Rochelle Jan 25, 2019. 3 Replies

Hi all, we've just purchased a property with a large indoor swimming pool. Around 80,000L with a greenhouse roof and plenty of room around it for grow beds. However, this is far too big for us to…Continue

Not for human consumption!?

Started by Nichelle Hubley. Last reply by Nichelle Hubley Jun 30, 2015. 7 Replies

Well, I think I messed up big time. I've been feeding my precious tilapia koi food (I like in a small place and it was all I could get... :( ) for about 2 months and last night I read on the back of…Continue

Help!! Help !!! with new filtration and set-up.

Started by Henrique Miguel. Last reply by Wayne Mcbryde May 14, 2015. 2 Replies

Hi,I have a set up of 2 55 gal  blue barrel with Tilapia and  guppies separate.   I have young ones and they are growing well. Issue of overcrowding and feeding. 1. I would like to use a water…Continue

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Comment by Rob Nash on July 28, 2014 at 12:33pm
Comment by Rob Nash on July 28, 2014 at 12:30pm

yes sir, gravity feed back to the FT 

I installed a "polisher" (orchard netting in a 30 gallon tub) between my grow beds and raft.. works great, but needs to be cleaned now that its been in place for 2.5 years.. i would plan to clean it more often.  i have about 3" of build up at the incoming end of my rafts, but perfectly clean roots.

here are some drawings of some options using a polisher and one pump.
forget the siphons, use a perforated standpipe and a timer.

Comment by Jim Fisk on July 28, 2014 at 10:18am

Perhaps Rob Nash can give you the best review. Sounds to me like you are doing it right. I am only a month into my DWC so I may run into the same problem. I eagerly await Rob's take on it. I am already seeing some build up on the bottom of my DWC bed and that could indicate I will need a final filter/scrubber as well, perhaps right before the bed. I don't think a radial will do it for me as I am already filtering the solids, both sinkers and floaters now. The water to my DWC looks pristine so it must be fine suspended solids and a radial will not help with those. A plate filter, which is essentially a small bio-filter, is perhaps in order. Murray Hallam may also be a best bet on that design. As I recall he has numerous YT vids on just that. His lettuce roots are nice and white.

Comment by Jeff S on July 28, 2014 at 9:35am

G Mo, I am building the radial filters. Pretty simple to do. I just drilled my first hole in the barrel yesterday. You Tube is a wonderful/dangerous thing. I'm setting up the systems in my back yard to verify measurements and functionality before I build the GH to put them in. Just realized I need to change my sump setup.

If your FT is in the ground then you would need to pump from the FT to the filter and gravity feed everything else from there.

Comment by G Mo on July 28, 2014 at 9:07am

Fish pond to grow beds to sump to dwc to sump to fish pond.

Comment by Jim Fisk on July 28, 2014 at 8:54am

G Mo, we can help more if you give a better description of your system flow. Do you have a clear water sump after the media beds? If so, that is the water to send to the DWC bed. If you are draining from the media beds back to the FT and then sending raw fish waste water to the DWC it will not work regardless of how many media beds you have. We are trying to help but we are still only guessing as to what you have. It is not what you have but also how you are using it that makes all the difference. I see no mention of a "clear water" sump after the GBs and that is vital or you will need a large solids filter followed by a bio-filter. All that can be replaced by a collection sump located after the media beds.

Comment by G Mo on July 28, 2014 at 6:54am

Did you buy a radial filter or make it?

Comment by Jeff S on July 27, 2014 at 7:36pm

My fall GH update/expansion will have 2 heavily stocked FTs each with 2  14 cu. ft. gravel beds and a 12 sq. ft. raft. There will be 12 Zipgrow Towers adding more filtration to one of the systems. I just tested a tower with great results in production. I'm also incorporating a 65 gal. radial filter for each tank. I'm no aquaponics guru so hopefully that will be enough filtration because when I say heavily stocked I mean HEAVILY STOCKED. I have a hard time throwing fish away.

Comment by G Mo on July 27, 2014 at 7:00pm

I  have a 3500 gal pool with 150 koi and 2 4x8 gravel beds and 1 30x4 trough.  The pool and gravel beds have been great for the past 1.5 years but I've never had anything but muddy roots in the trough.  I'm in the process of adding another gravel bed but really wanted to get some dwc going, too.

Comment by Rob Nash on July 27, 2014 at 6:23pm

media beds are the best mechanical and bio filter combo available.

besides.. your growing options are very limited in a raft..

definitely go with a hybrid system when you can...

helpful info = a 4ft x 8ft bed services 150 gallons..


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