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Aquaponics For Beginners


Aquaponics For Beginners

This is a place where Beginners can post questions and find answers.

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Latest Activity: Feb 2, 2019

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A few fish for sale or good home

Started by Linda Logan. Last reply by Linda Logan Feb 2, 2019. 1 Reply

I need to shut down my indoor system for a few months. I have 2 mature Shubunkin, 1 albino Hypostomus to clean the aquarium. There is another small fish living in the sump.I live in SE Portland and…Continue

Aquaponics system as filter for swimming pool

Started by John Wilson. Last reply by Wade J Rochelle Jan 25, 2019. 3 Replies

Hi all, we've just purchased a property with a large indoor swimming pool. Around 80,000L with a greenhouse roof and plenty of room around it for grow beds. However, this is far too big for us to…Continue

Not for human consumption!?

Started by Nichelle Hubley. Last reply by Nichelle Hubley Jun 30, 2015. 7 Replies

Well, I think I messed up big time. I've been feeding my precious tilapia koi food (I like in a small place and it was all I could get... :( ) for about 2 months and last night I read on the back of…Continue

Help!! Help !!! with new filtration and set-up.

Started by Henrique Miguel. Last reply by Wayne Mcbryde May 14, 2015. 2 Replies

Hi,I have a set up of 2 55 gal  blue barrel with Tilapia and  guppies separate.   I have young ones and they are growing well. Issue of overcrowding and feeding. 1. I would like to use a water…Continue

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Comment by Butch Pornebo on October 15, 2014 at 6:26pm

thanks vlad. kinda suspected that was the case. DID NOT put ammonia source on day 3 yet because I was waiting an answer for my question.

so while cycling just topping ammonia levels between 2-4 ppm and once cycled basically whatever ammonia is required to keep NITRATES between 40-60 PPM

not so confused anymore. sort of 

Comment by Vlad Jovanovic on October 15, 2014 at 6:08pm

Butch, keep the ammonia between 2-4ppm while cycling. DO NOT keep adding ammonia daily 

Comment by Butch Pornebo on October 15, 2014 at 5:29pm

forgot to mention... fish tank has about 36 gallons of water and grow bed is using apx 15 gallons of water.

Comment by Butch Pornebo on October 15, 2014 at 5:27pm

doing fishless cycling. no plants waiting for seeds then germinate

day 1: ph 7.8,  ammonia 0.0, nitrite 0.0, nitrate 0.0, added x amount of ammonia

day 2: ph 7.8,  ammonia 2.0, nitrite 0.0, nitrate 0.0, add same amount ammonia

also added 5 fl oz of maxicrop+iron and 3 tbs of azomite figure trying to condition grow media while waiting for seeds to germinate. murky water after adding supps

day 3: ph 7.4,  ammonia 4.0, nitrite 0.0, nitrate 0.0, add same amount ammonia

no maxicrop+iron or azomite will be added until system is cycled or unless plants finally germinate and shows some deficiencies.

now my question.

how much ammonia source should I add ? 

same amount as day 1 UNTIL nitrite shows up @ 0.5 ?

1/2 of the amount from day 1 ?

no ammonia source since ammonia level is @ 4.0 ?

should I keep adding the same amount from day 1 of ammonia source and hold at 8.0ppm max ?

am I confused. you betcha 

Comment by Leo White Bear on October 15, 2014 at 1:12pm


  Depending how cool (or warm) it got during the night, my thoughts would be that the humidity level in your system caused a bit of condensation on the scoria.  You state that during the day it dries.  You can do what ever floats your boat within reason of course.  If you wish to replace the top 2-inchs of scoria with pea gravel go ahead, just be sure that there is no limestone in the gravel.  With the slight "condensation", it could leech out and buffer your water.  It may take time to do this but that is my thoughts.  Quartzite, Hydroton, granet  would be a better choice and it may wind up being cheaper for the amount you may need.

Comment by Butch Pornebo on October 15, 2014 at 11:40am

related to my question before, i'm contemplating of switching the top 2" layer of my grow media with pea gravel.

any advantages or disadvantages ?

Comment by Butch Pornebo on October 15, 2014 at 11:37am

ok folks. started cycling last monday and noticed for the last couple of days that the top layer of my grow bed is slightly damp overnight. around 1PM when the sun shines over the diffused roofing it dries out a bit. I got my water level about 1.75" to 2" from the top and my media is all 3/4" red lava rock.

should i bee worry ?

just got my seeds yesterday and going to plant some on my grow bed as well as germinating some on a moist paper towel. any suggestions is highly appreciated.

Comment by Leo White Bear on October 10, 2014 at 4:49pm

The entire FT water should be turned over ever hour, that's the consensus.  I found that trying to regulate that amount is very difficult unless you incorporate a timer system, I don't.  My small unit is approx. 10-gallons and flood and drains every 5-7 minutes.  with 2-gallons of water in my grow bed, draining every 5 - 7 minutes, the FT water is turned over just over 10-times.  The fish and plants don't seem to mind.

Comment by Jeff S on October 10, 2014 at 4:45pm

Twice or more per hour is better. You may find as you slow down water flow the siphon won't start and if you turn it up too fast you won't be able to drain fast enough to stop the siphon. Just get it working and adjust from there.

Comment by Butch Pornebo on October 10, 2014 at 2:24pm

on to another question. if you guys and gals don't mind.

what is the ideal flooding time of the grow bed before the siphon starts to drain ?

15, 20, 30 minutes ?

my fish tank is about 50 gallons and the high water level is 17" high before the flooding starts and by the time the siphon starts to drain the FT is down to 9" high.

does it mean if I flood and drain 2x in one hour all of the FT water will be turnover-ed at least once an hour ? is that about ideal ? 


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