Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Dan Brown
  • Male
  • Denver, CO
  • United States
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Dan Brown's Friends

  • Seven Hong
  • Gina Cavaliero
  • BR
  • Derek Figueroa
  • Jon brown
  • Christopher Ivan Brown
  • Aaron
  • Mike Creuzer
  • Chi Ma
  • Kobus Jooste
  • Lucian C Eisenhauer
  • Margaret
  • Joe Bifano
  • Werner Kraeutler
  • Growitright Aquaponics

Dan Brown's Discussions

Food Safety 101

Started this discussion. Last reply by Chris Downs Sep 29, 2012. 14 Replies

Coming to consensus seems to be the route that this site is taking, and I think democratization of the topic in terms of statements and coverage areas may be better suited for discussion in a Forum…Continue

Lighting and fish maturity

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ellen Roelofs May 5, 2011. 4 Replies

I have a friend from high school who's father is a tenured Professor at CSU (I'm writing that so you'll understand that I have confidence in the source).  He and I had several conversations about…Continue

e coli

Started this discussion. Last reply by Craig Mullins Sep 10, 2012. 43 Replies

I'm very concerned that e coli is being under evaluated as a potential containment.  Repeatedly I'm finding references to the idea that e coli cannot exist in aquaponics, but the references are…Continue

Any reason not to put a pleco in 55 gallon (208 l) tank with tilapia?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sylvia Bernstein Oct 26, 2010. 2 Replies

I need a nitrogen addition to this system as an adjustment.  The algae eater has outgrown the tank and I'm intent on switching from the 29 gallon( 110 l) tank's current occupants into the much, much…Continue


Dan Brown's Page

Profile Information

How did you find us?
Aquaponic Seminar
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
Hydroponic and aquatic, but separately prior to this.
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, I am running a modified aerogarden plumbed into a 29 gallon tropical tank, and am preparing a 55 gallon system for tilapia. The details can be found here
How old is your system?
Less than 6 months
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
How big is your fish tank?
55 gallon (208 Liter)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I've already had my products in restaurants, when the system was only up for 3 weeks. Micro-basil is currently at $84/lb.

Dan Brown's Photos

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Dan Brown's Blog

Continuing refinement of my micro-system.

Posted on January 13, 2011 at 9:30pm 7 Comments

I got lucky today, gfi an extension protected the outlet gfi (which powers the back-up aerator), so that layout on a single outlet does work.  I'm guessing from the flashing clocks that the power went out, and then came back on with lamps and growbed pumps both powered up at once, blowing the first breaker, but leaving the air pump running, working as a built in safety trip.  The fish all seem to be fine.  I drew out a line diagram of how it's laid out, and I've attached a photo, after…


The roller coaster called today - hopefully I learned my lesson

Posted on October 31, 2010 at 9:29pm 2 Comments

This morning I headed to Boulder, excited to see Sylvia's Bernstein's greenhouse, aquaponic arrangements, and most importantly, to pick up my white tilapia stock. Sylvia's house is a beautifully peaceful home, and the greenhouse provided me with the level of sensory overload I've not experienced in quite a while. She graciously explained the state of the systems she is running, and we went on as aquaponists tend to do about all things related to all of it. The conversations are often difficult… Continue

New Closet system

Posted on October 15, 2010 at 3:01pm 1 Comment

Here's a link to a detailed cost analysis of my new system. I'm pretty excited about this one, more details forthcoming as they develop.

Restaurant buyers - do you have basil to sell?

Posted on October 14, 2010 at 3:30pm 11 Comments

I've decided to follow the conclusions that I drew in a paper I wrote about aquaponic business.

I am actively pursuing (and now have two clients set up) for restaurants that are interested in getting micro-herbs and basil. I will begin selling in another few weeks, once I can pull a harvest on the micro basils I have going (cinnamon, thai, and purple). I can find more chefs, but with only 2 sq ft of grow area, I'm going to be limited on production, and I'd like…

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At 2:17pm on July 9, 2018, abiola bawuah said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on this email( ) for the full details,
Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.
Mrs Abiola.

At 9:53pm on November 16, 2011, Zalinda Farms Inc said…

Dan ...I have tried to make contact with you regarding selling of Veggies / Herbs through your network as you  please send me an e-mail.

At 6:00am on November 14, 2011, Zalinda Farms Inc said…

Dan Brown...I have tried to reach you pertaining to outlet for Basil / Herbs etc etc. Your Friend site seems frozen...would you PLEASE e-mail me

Thank You

At 7:42pm on January 7, 2011, Molly Stanek said…
Thanks for becoming a member of the Sweet Water group, Dan.  I see your name around a lot these days between this site and the Facebook group.  Look forward to getting to know you and your systems better!
At 1:40am on December 17, 2010, Ricky Flickenger said…

Hey Daniel, thanks for the comment on my blog, that link was supposed to go to HP's blog, not a FB link, and I have no idea why it was.  Anyway, I edited the link to the right place, and tried it out, and now the update is just waiting for approval :)

At 1:01am on November 13, 2010, Werner Kraeutler said…
Hi Daniel, sorry for my late reply. I did not check the website for a couple of days. Cheers Werner
At 8:02pm on September 11, 2010, Joe Bifano said…
The 64' south facing wall has 3 doors framed into it so I can expand this greenhouse to the south. I can add 3 hoop style cold frames or 3 bays on a gutter connect setup but only time will tell on what I do. I have 14 acres so I can expand as needed. I have great water and I am zoned for agriculture. I am going to use a wood stove water boiler for raising the temperatures in my fish tanks. There is a lot of wood were I live and I can always go to the mountains for more if needed.

So that is what I have been planing. If there is anything that sounds like it is not going to work or I should be thinking of something else let me know what you think.
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At 8:02pm on September 11, 2010, Joe Bifano said…
In the last few weeks I finished all the wood framing and dug 2 4'x8' holes in the ground 4.5' deep. These are going to be my fish tanks. I am modeling the fish tanks from the Growing Powers fish tanks with 2 troughs above them that will have media filled in them an be my bio-filter. Each tank will be between 1000 and 1200 gallons. I then want to pump water to the top trough and then gravity feed to the bottom trough and then go out to rafts using DWC. I will do leafy greens and herbs in the rafts and will be able to have 2 48x28' rafts and 2 48x24' rafts. I want to try to put a test row of Dutch Buckets in the mix and do tomatoes allowing the runoff to go back to the fish tanks. I will also setup sprout tables like the friendly's have to start seeds in, when the weather permits.

Basically I will have either 2 systems duplicated for testing in the 24x64 greenhouse or combine the 2 fish tanks and run this system all together. Not sure what I should do. I want to do something real small at first so I can see what I need to do and learn before I go to anything else. So I may just fill up one tank 1/4 or 1/2 of the way and only use one raft setup. I will look at maybe getting a small micro system or family system plan set from the Friendly's to make sure that I get the correct info on a small setup before I go any further. I have been told that the gravel media grow beds will not work for a high density system but for some reason Growing Power uses this and they just keep on putting in worms to take care of the solids. I will look at swirl filters and other things down the road.
At 8:02pm on September 11, 2010, Joe Bifano said…
Thanks Daniel for the info. I read through it and also really liked what you had to say in the article you wrote, excellent job. First of all I have never grown a thing with fish only in the ground organically. I have had a small greenhouse for 7 years and have mostly grown heirloom tomatoes. In talking with stores and small restaurants, letting them taste my tomatoes, I would get a lot of great feedback and they would ask do I sell them.

I have been reading and looking at hydroponics for many years and then started to read about aquaponics. There is no question that is what I need to do. In my research I looked at Growing power and Friendly Aquaponics the most and decided that I would build a 12x32 building. I wanted this to have storage and some processing capabilities along with maybe starting seeds and a fish hatchery. But thought that I would have the building and keep it open on what I would use it for.

I added a 16 foot wall to both ends of the utility room making a wall 64' long and ran out of money last year. This year I added 2 24' end walls and a 64' south facing wall. The Utility room wall is about 12' high and the south facing wall is only 10' high on the greenhouse. The roof system will be a rebar roof that I have been working on that will be slopped from the shed and go up another 2 or 3 feet then back to the 10 foot wall on the south side of the greenhouse. It will have post and beams in the greenhouse to support it as well as purlins. I will use double poly.
At 12:04pm on March 14, 2010, Sylvia Bernstein said…
Depending on which model of AeroGarden you have you can set the pump to whatever cycle you want (John and I thought that might be useful someday). I would look on the website in the PDFs of the instruction manuals. Look at the Quick Start guide for your garden. If that doesn't do it, John's customer service team is pretty good and I would call them.

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