Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Good morning. The time has finally come to teach a special class. For some time now I have been regaling you with some great photos of my work in aquaponics, some tantalizing results and a great dream of what can be done next. Now the time has come to start teaching how I did it by simply refurbishing a 10-foot plastic Walmart special above ground swimming pool like we all have in the garage, with a few easy but important modifications of course. 

(Yes all the food in the photos came from a refurbished swimming pool)

Some background. Deep Water Culture: 50/ft2 growbed 

Completely self-contained: No IBC Totes, no wires, no long lengths of pvc pipe, no seals (bulkheads etc). 80% of materials available from local big box stores (A kit is coming however). 

NOTE: This system is NOT for everybody or every situation. But it has its place.

When the idea was publically introduced 3 years ago the time was not right. But now it is. I am looking to have a class Saturday morning December 12th or 19th. Anybody interested?

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I am very interested... but my schedule doesn't allow major trip this month... sigh  : (

Any chance you would be willing to do this class again?  I would love to attend, but life got in the way back in Dec!

Greetings. Just did a small class last week. Next one likely on April 23rd 2016. Slightly different subject though.

Dr. B

Ooh - I'll go write you in on the calendar now!  :)  How do I sign up for it?  I had 5 teenagers visiting over Easter - last week wouldn't have worked out!

This looks great, is it too late to sign up? What time and where is the class?

Dr Brooks said the next class will probably be next month... I'm sure he'll post more info when it's settled.

Yes. It will be late next month (May 2016). Just a note, since the idea was introduced in December 2015, a number of units have been built by students that are now beginning to produce actual food. ;-). So far so good. 

Looking forward to it! Please keep us posted on the details.

What are you using for raft material? Where did you source it?

Thank you.

Good evening. DowCorning Blue Board sourced at Lowes.


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