Aquaponic Gardening

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I have slowly been cycling my system since last October. I have a total of 5 grow beds but added them one at a time. Now that they are all in circulation, I find that the last two I added fill VERY slowly and as such are holding water from the system. (it's a CHOP 2) so my sumps are often out of balance in terms of volume, not that it bothers me expect that if a bridge siphon were to malfunction I could have a flood.

Also I find I'm adding water to my system at least once a week. In northern NM so humidity is very low.

I was told that once I had the bell siphons adjusted with water flow so they were charging and discharging to just leave them alone and not worry about how long it's taking to fill the bed. Is this correct or should I fuss with water flow and get all the beds filling at the same rate.

2nd question, is it normal to have to add 10% water once / week in a very dry climate. Fish (Rainbow Trout) don't seem to mind, eating fine and no deaths since October.

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Looking at that syphon from a hydraulics point of view. It should be very effective. The reduction in diameter along the syphon tube length, accelerating the fluid along the pipe, and starting the syphon more effectively. As for the media guard size, why is that a problem. Does anybody plant next to it anyway ?

My issue is the stand pipe base and bulkhead connector are 3/4 I.D. making the space between the stand pipe and my 2 inch pipe not enough space to drop suction so as the bed is still filling it stays and never fills the bed again just dumps and drains slow and continuous.

we cant buy uniseals in Canada....I go to n.y. state on day trips but have not gone to take a look yet.

Your problem sounds like one I had. I switched from a small bed to a larger bed. Everything was working fine. I used the same pump, the same bell syphon,from the old bed. Now it wouldn't trigger the syphon. The pump was only just big enough for the old bed.

have a new pump , old pump 94 GPH new pump for new system is 394 GPH

I am hoping to just get this system going until I have all the parts to get new one going.

I've recently started buying adjustable pumps from EcoPlus. This way I can adjust flow accordingly. Just search Amazon EcoPlus adjustable pump. You can also order uniseals online at a great price.

I get my Uniseals state side from and they carry other AP items as well.

Zach, it sounds like you need an air gap or vent after your 90s. Just a T and any size pipe extending up to the height of your media on the outside of your bed. Without it you won't break suction. Plumbing 101. The siphon MUST be independent of the rest of the plumbing. If it won't START or make then you have a low water flow but even that can be fixed with a bigger Bernoulli funnel on your stand pipe. Should be 2-1. So if your stand pipe is 3/4" then your funnel should be 1 1/2". My 5 GBs all have radically different flows and yet they all perform flawlessly year in and year out. Here is a pic of one of my vent lines during construction. In this case I am venting the main 1 1/2" drain line that goes back to the buried 275g sump in the fish room with a 1" vent that terminates above the GB. There really should be one vent at each siphon entry point. I place the vents between the GBs. Btw, I run our 2500g system off a 1200g Little Giant pond pump. One of the oldest US pump companies. Been down there in the sump on line for over 3 yrs with never an issue.

Zach said:

My issue is the stand pipe base and bulkhead connector are 3/4 I.D. making the space between the stand pipe and my 2 inch pipe not enough space to drop suction so as the bed is still filling it stays and never fills the bed again just dumps and drains slow and continuous.

@Paul: Yes I plant right next to the GG and grow area is considered valuable real estate around here so the smaller the footprint the better

paul burton said:

Looking at that syphon from a hydraulics point of view. It should be very effective. The reduction in diameter along the syphon tube length, accelerating the fluid along the pipe, and starting the syphon more effectively. As for the media guard size, why is that a problem. Does anybody plant next to it anyway ?

Granite. Love it. And it provides minerals. Granite dust is considered a valuable source of minerals. 18.00 per ton and one ton does 2 IBC 12" media depth GBs.

Brent Shafer said:

@ jim Fisk -- is that granite for media?

Brent, the whole idea of the funnel or "expansion adapter" is that twice (ideally) the water will flow over the funnel and therefore fill the standpipe faster insuring a fast start. By cutting in a V notch you are defeating the whole purpose of the funnel. Am I understanding your description right? There is so much confusion out there in regards to bell siphons. KISS works every time. And a compact design allows for more grow space. Why a 6" GG on a 3/4" siphon. I use a 3" GG on one that small. Just put a knob on top of the bell for easy extraction and quick water level changes. This is our 1" siphon for 10" media depth:And they all work flawlessly. Sold nearly 700 siphons now. KISS. No giant GG and no snorkel, etc. The new "Tini" for 4" media isn't in this old pic but even that one works great and is cute as a button.

Brent Shafer said:

I use a 3/4 inch stand pipe with a 1 inch expansion adapter on top with a 1/4 inch v notch cut into the lip. its abouit 1 1/2 inches from the top of the bell. the bell pipe is 2 inch. all surrounded by 6 inch pipe with horizontal slats ax water inlet to the bell area

That one is our clear top IBC size siphon. It is polycarbonite nearly bullet proof plastic. A bit hairy to cut (I have had them fetch up in the drill press and send shrapnel through the room) but very tough. It really is helpful to be able to watch your siphon in action now and then. I just keep one on line as it takes seconds to swap it with any of the others. Kids get a real kick out of watching it. Keeps them from tormenting the trout

Zach said:

Is your a glass? jar or something else?

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