Aquaponic Gardening

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I am new to aquaponics and I was wondering if anybody has ever tried to do this in a Jacuzzi before?Any advice or ideas would be much appreciated since this is what we have decided to use as our fish tank, but I haven't found any specific instructions out there for doing this in particular and I'm totally new at this.


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You would sure get some nice aeration ... lol, but seriously any container that will hold water will do. People have even used refrigerators for their fish tanks.

I am using a used hot tub and have been for two years. It has worked very well. The fish hide on the former seats where I have put pieces of PVC pipe. I don't, however, use the jets and never have. I think they could be too powerful for the fish. The tub I got was old and all the piping for the jets had been dismantled anyway. Be sure to clean it well so there's no residue from the old tub chemicals, particularly chlorine. 

Michael Welber said:

very helpful, thank you! 

Beth, When I first got into AP I was watching everything on YouTube I could find. There is this one guy who made 25 videos just documenting his system as it grew. He does use some hot tubs that you'll see in some of his videos. If you watch them in order it's like a series for television. Here's #1.

can't wait to view these, mucho gracias!

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