So, a highjacked water catchment thread here
spawned a discussion of Colloidal Silver, and quite rare and hard to believe, I have no strong opinion for nor against.
Convince me, please.
On the Nay front, medical science says that silver is not needed in diet, ineffective at treating ailments or preventing, and quite possibly may be toxic.
On the Yay front, many health nuts I know swear by it's benefit.
Do let us know how your massive GH project is doing. I barely have time to harvest fish this summer. TG that my son in law has picked up where I left off on the AP system. He is ADDICTED!!!
DR. OZ IS NOT EVEN EDUCATED IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES! Sorry, but that's sort of a habit whenever I hear his name... Please show me one* peer-reviewed, rigorous, repeatable study to show cs has worth. If natural news (correctly) cited any of these sources, then maybe I'll consider this. Oh, and I can totally claim the null hypothesis--no relationship/no effect--because science/reason needs proof of a positive or negative to "prove" a positive or a negative. Anyway, I'll just leave this website here (apparently garlic IS freaking awesome!).
(*you'd need more to prove it, but this is more of a challenge.)
Jim Fisk said:
Yikes, I haven't been to this thread for awhile now. It is not my job to educate people on CS. That is your job and thanks to the internet it is an easy job. Even Dr. Oz and his surgeon father take cs and swear by it and did a youtube vid on it. Here is another good description:
There is all sorts of info on using it with your fish. Just Google it.
Glad to see you back!
Jon Parr said:
Thanks, Jim. I have been swamped busy, and just now getting a chance to poke around the site for the first time in a quite awhile.
Hey Eric, what you do not seem to grasp is that I don't give a rats ass if you take it or not. Your loss not mine. All the concern seems to be on your side tantamount to a vendetta. Silver has been used for thousands of years as an effective antibiotic long before Lois Pasteur, but you know better. Interesting. I'm sure you believe that fluoride is safe in our drinking water as well. There's always plenty of Coolaid to go around.
Eric, For one thing where do you get the idea that Dr Oz is not trained in the medical sciences? Look him up.
For another silver has been used for medical purposes for a long time. Early soldiers (Greek, Roman etc) found that out. Ones that were rich enough even had silver pounded into a foil to apply to wounds as an antibiotic. They found it worked. Now that would not be as useful as consuming the stuff and getting it systemic, but silver is used in topical creams for burn patients. (Silvadene ointment)
Other heavy metals were found to work as well but have some serious side effects. Mercury comes to mind. When I was a young kid and you got a cut, you coated it with mercurochrome.
Hey Pat, how goes the pool system battle? I think we are past the hot weather at least.
We are harvesting some more trout today. Speaking of which I have had no more mysterious fish deaths since I added 3 doses of cs at about one week intervals at 1oz each. Anyone interested should Google "fish, colloidal silver" and read the amazing results they get in sick aquariums. Another interesting ancient use of silver was placing a silver coin in milk and it would keep for weeks rather than days at room temp.
It reminds me of the newly discovered health benefits of RAW hemp in fighting and curing cancer and many other ills. The ancient Chinese were well aware of it and now some open minded MDs are rediscovering the amazing benefits. One oncologist has gone on record as saying it should be classified as the biggest discovery in his field in 100 years. We can thank Randolh Hearst and the Duponts among others for getting it banned during prohibition in order to put the paper and rope and cotton competition out of business. There were 2200 hemp products at the time and no MD would leave home without hemp oil in his bag. The greed never stops.
Okay, at this point I'll just be glad if you use vaccines. Dude, waste your money on something that has literally no merit; I don't care. I just want you to know you're wasting money, possibly harming yourself, and I hoped by arguing skepticism you would learn some, but whatever. Oh, for that thousands of years comment, well, they've found many folk remedies actually cause cancer--such as an entire class of plants used in folk medicine, from China. Enjoy snake-oil. (Oh, and if you can prove the merit of this substance, I'd LOVE to hear it. We need new antibiotics, because of mismanagement--due mainly to patient insistence--and if this actually works well, then AWESOME.I'll await the rigorous field testing. )
Jim Fisk said:
I'm sure you believe that fluoride is safe in our drinking water as well. There's always plenty of Coolaid to go around.
hey jon,
don't know if i can convince you but i have had good experience. i never get sick but when the rain comes for the first time of the season i get allergies - flu like symptoms without the fever. the back flow can lead to a sore throat and you can figure out the rest. like you i had heard about cs and love a good alternative...especially cheap, safe and effective. over the last couple of year this scenario has played out twice. each time i got a sore throat i snorted, gargled and drank about about 200 mL (i generated it myself so it was always an unknown concentration, probably fairly weak but scattered light). the next morning nothing....everything clean and healthy. my wife also had a similar experience and neither of us are grey....well not the skin a least. i believe there is a lot more to silver than we currently taking advantage of. obviously my experience is very limited but silver's utility, or more appropriately, its well documented antimicrobial activity warrants consideration. the saying "born with a silver spoon in his mouth" is generally thought to mean rich and spoiled, however, some have linked it to the surviving children during the black plague....supposedly, wealthy children whom sucked on silver lived. who knows but thousands of years with only a couple of grey freak shows seems like pretty good odds to me.
Moderation is key people. Silver is well documented in clinical use as a topical antimicrobial treatment for antibiotic resistant bacterial skin infections and for burns. But taking it internally, moderation!!!!, well unless you really want to be a smurf.
As to combating allergies, well if the silver cured it, probably wasn't entirely allergy then. Perhaps the allergies left you open to some other infection and the silver helped nip that in the bud but you might also have had the same luck using saline nasal spray to rinse out the nasal passages to rid yourself of the allergen and congestion/post nasal drip before the infection could set in too. Or if your allergies are more pollen rather than mold related (I'm guessing yours are mold since you link it to the first rains of the season) pollen allergies can often be reduced by eating raw Local wildflower honey. Or whatever kind of honey you are most allergic to the pollen from.
I'm not off the allergy medications and between using the saline spray and the raw local wildflower honey, I've managed to avoid my normal sinus or upper respiratory tract infections that used to inevitably follow whenever I used to try to quit the allergy medications. (I was kinda forced to give up the allergy medication this time, I'm pregnant and my allergy med isn't on the list of approved medications during pregnancy and none of the ones on the list ever seemed to do me much good.)
Now there may have been other changes I've made to lifestyle and diet in recent time that have contributed to less allergy problems (like eating more organic and/or home grown foods so less exposure to certain chemical pesticides and antibiotics. I used have a slight allergy to milk but I don't seem to experience allergic reactions to Organic milk. I'm allergic to celery from the grocery store, I break out in hives from eating one whole stick but my home grown celery, I was cautious about eating it at first but I've found I can eat a whole pile of it and no allergic reaction to that so I'm guessing the stuff that the commercially grown stuff must be sprayed with something that I react badly to even when they are washed well but my home grow variety doesn't get any growth regulator sprays or systemic toxic chemical pesticide sprays so apparently I wasn't actually allergic to the celery itself.)
Anyway, most of this medical stuff is actually rather complex. Being comfortable for yourself with anecdotal evidence is likely fine if you stick with moderation. Pushing the idea to mega doses or claiming that it can't be overdosed on if done right but not being able to provide really detailed and scientific documentation about how to "do it right" is likely dangerous.
Guess I'll add my 2 cents' worth. Been using CS for quite a few years. No ill effects. I've been able to knock out flus, plenty of colds and being a smoker, everything used to land in my chest. With CS, I haven' had any chest problems for years. All my family and extended family are believers in CS. We've all benefited from using CS. We also learned how to make it for pennies. If anyone's interested, I'd be happy to share how to make CS yourself. No one is blue, no one has any side effects.
Always amuses me to watch a TV commercial about drugs...15 seconds of what it could do, 45 to say all the bad stuff it may do. Magazines - nice pretty picture........a full page of fine print describing the bad stuff. Take one of the designer drugs, complain of a side effect, take this, too. Pretty soon you have a chemical dump in your body. No thanks. Ever wonder why so many drugs are researched, designed and prescribed? Do a search on the cost of medications vs the retail prices and you'll find plenty of incentives for prescribing. The American public has become guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical companies. Again, no thanks. Taken the time to research vaccines lately? You'd be surprised at the results. Many vaccines do more harm than good. I'm not saying people are dropping like flies on these meds, but it seems to me the main thrust of many meds is to just treat, not cure. There are plenty of holistic treatments that do work with time. But, we want instant gratification and don't want to take the time, or put forth the effort to make ourselves "feel better".
Why do aquaponics - to eat good fresh food without all the agri-chemicals and GMO's? If so, then, in my opinion, taking a bunch of these new designer prescription meds seems counter productive to what one is trying to accomplish with AP. Just say'n.
What are the side effects of CS - eligibility to become a member of the Blue Man Group? Not very likely unless one takes much, much more than one might need for a very long time. Argyra is a worse-case result. One would almost have to try to take enough to turn blue. If you could research the blue guy's background, I'd wager you'd find a much deeper problem than swilling down gallons of CS.
It's your body. Get tuned in, pay attention to what it's trying to tell you and make your own decisions. Comfortable taking everything the doctor says..... well, just knock yourself out. I certainly don't want to get in the way of your happiness. As someone once said; "that's my opinion......I could be wrong".
And, TC..... take care of yourself and that fresh new young'n.
Jim...keep going.
Wow, well said B. H..
We really do need to stay in touch. Birds of a feather who are not afraid to try things and judge the results for ourselves. And TC nice way to slip in the great news. Simply awesome and we know of at least one child that will be raised healthy and well educated and independent. Congrats.
I wrote an epic piece yesterday and lost the entire post at the last second because I got interrupted as usual and I hit "Go" instead of "Add Reply". Here I am always telling people to bu their longer posts as this can happen for a variety of reasons and I only had half bu so here we go again. Fair warning to others on lost posts:-) Here is the essence of what I wrote:
Daniel, try a small mouth rinse every night before bed but then swallow rather than spit it out. CS is better used as a daily maintenance than a catastrophic cure. Your gums and teeth will thank you as well. Just ask my dentist. He asks me every cleaning how my gums can look so much better than his and I am twice his age and he is a Dentist after all. Yup every check up I have to tell him to look up cs and I tell him how I use it. That went on for years like he never heard of it before but he is in ME and I am in TN now so that is over at least. Gets annoying after awhile. Bet he never did. Think of it like those wealthy children getting a tiny dose with every meal. There is so much such lore that you could write a book on cs. Oh, wait there are books on cs.
Eric is just typical of naysayers. I've heard it all over the years on cs, arthritis cures, and on and on. They never will get it and I never did care. My favorite is the "placebo effect" Tell it to my now healthy fish. I have resorted to laboratory produced cs due to the amazing controls they have versus the home generator method. I save that for a crisis however. At 75.00 a gal delivered it lasts 3 - 4 years for us unless I reluctantly let a quart or two go to someone who needs it. I get mine from Bio-Alternatives and I will not give a link or Eric and his ilk will accuse me of making money off of it. Google them.
You should see the vile comments I get from "health professionals" at my blog on how I beat my arthritis I came down with in my 20's and cured completely over a 25 yr period of learning for myself. I knew not to listen to the MDs. My mother did and she died in a wheelchair unable to lift a fork. I used basically 2 off the shelf foods so I would have to own stock in every food store in the country in order to "profit" from the advice.
The really funny part is that the very term "health professional" means in no uncertain terms that they are making a living off people getting sick. No conflict there. And those university studies? are all funded by big pharma. No conflict there either. Some people need to grow up and face the fact that the health profession is greed driven especially in the US. Until they face that there is no hope for them. I follow the MDs that break away from the AMA (most of them in fact) and look into "alternative" cures or rather preventions. You will rarely if ever find prevention involving pharma patented drugs.
Well that's about half of what I wrote and I am out of time for now. B. H. WELCOME ABOARD and I certainly would be interested in hearing more about your method. You are among friends here so tell it like it is. This is nothing new. My brainiac and gorgeous girlfriend in college (Columbia U.) decided to become an MD and took a job at Doctors Hospital in NYC (where I was born 66 yrs ago) until she realized the out and out greed of the doctors she worked with. She finally left the pursuit in disgust and went back to her chemistry career. You are either aware of the truth or you are a victim of the deceit in this country in particular. And now I will bu BEFORE I hit "Add Reply"
B. H. said:
Guess I'll add my 2 cents' worth. Been using CS for quite a few years. No ill effects. I've been able to knock out flus, plenty of colds and being a smoker, everything used to land in my chest. With CS, I haven' had any chest problems for years. All my family and extended family are believers in CS. We've all benefited from using CS. We also learned how to make it for pennies. If anyone's interested, I'd be happy to share how to make CS yourself. No one is blue, no one has any side effects.
Always amuses me to watch a TV commercial about drugs...15 seconds of what it could do, 45 to say all the bad stuff it may do. Magazines - nice pretty picture........a full page of fine print describing the bad stuff. Take one of the designer drugs, complain of a side effect, take this, too. Pretty soon you have a chemical dump in your body. No thanks. Ever wonder why so many drugs are researched, designed and prescribed? Do a search on the cost of medications vs the retail prices and you'll find plenty of incentives for prescribing. The American public has become guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical companies. Again, no thanks. Taken the time to research vaccines lately? You'd be surprised at the results. Many vaccines do more harm than good. I'm not saying people are dropping like flies on these meds, but it seems to me the main thrust of many meds is to just treat, not cure. There are plenty of holistic treatments that do work with time. But, we want instant gratification and don't want to take the time, or put forth the effort to make ourselves "feel better".
Why do aquaponics - to eat good fresh food without all the agri-chemicals and GMO's? If so, then, in my opinion, taking a bunch of these new designer prescription meds seems counter productive to what one is trying to accomplish with AP. Just say'n.
What are the side effects of CS - eligibility to become a member of the Blue Man Group? Not very likely unless one takes much, much more than one might need for a very long time. Argyra is a worse-case result. One would almost have to try to take enough to turn blue. If you could research the blue guy's background, I'd wager you'd find a much deeper problem than swilling down gallons of CS.
It's your body. Get tuned in, pay attention to what it's trying to tell you and make your own decisions. Comfortable taking everything the doctor says..... well, just knock yourself out. I certainly don't want to get in the way of your happiness. As someone once said; "that's my opinion......I could be wrong".
And, TC..... take care of yourself and that fresh new young'n.
Jim...keep going.
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