Aquaponic Gardening

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I ran across this company called Portable Farms who are selling aquaponic systems. I was wondering if any one knew anything about them, if they have been reviewed by any independent third party reliable sources, if their claims are verifiable. This 25 sqr ft per adult business seems fantastic. And I've been studying aquaponics for over three years! Am I missing something?

The main reason I'm asking is that my folks want to start a community system capable of feeding themselves and several other families around. They are not DIYers and I'm not on the same continent to do it for them. Unlike most systems out there "Portable Farms" actually looks like a decently large system, not a hobby fish farm. 

Are their other turn key systems that one could turn to? 

Thanks all for your input. 

Below I am inserting some info from Portable Farms


Yearly Production From Portable Farms™ Aquaponics Systems

A 90′ x 120′ unit produces 60,000 vegetables and 23,000 pounds of fish

A 20′ x 30′ unit produces 3,600 vegetables and 1,400 pounds of fish

A 10′ x 20′ unit produces 1,100 vegetables and 400 pounds of fish

NOTE: The above dimension is a foot print not a sqr ft of grow bed. The actual grow bed space is about 60% of the foot print. 

Be wonderful to hear any of your thoughts!


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There is no such thing as turn key and Aquaponics for large systems. Any system of a size that a community is going to depend on is going to be relatively complicated and technically challenging for people who have no aquaculture experience. Someone has to be a DIY type and willing to dedicate learning time to run it. I have been studying commercial systems for the last year and I don't see anything on their website to indicate they have a science based design to achieve those claims. Their system drawing seems to be a simply a large back yard system with no photos of actual systems in use (red flag). The claims appear to be theoretical with no case studies and don't take in to account hundreds of variables.

Most online outfits build back yard systems which are fine for the hobbyist but if you want to get highly efficient and scalable systems the only proven design is the UVI system developed by Dr Rakocy. Nelson & Pade sell systems using this design and also offer intensive training for those who purchase them. I am not aware of anyone else offering all the equipment and supportive training they do. But if your a do it yourself type you will just track down the UVI design online, source all the materials needed and find $200k to get it rolling and hope for the best.

As always buyer beware... go see their system in action and taste the fruits of their labor.

Jonathan, thanks so much. That pretty well sums up my own gut reaction, but I thought maybe I was too pessimistic. Just wondering if anyone had heard about the Portable Farms deal. But your right, red flags hither and nigh. 

Hi Justus... you can do a search on this forum and on other sites... specifically look for the system name as well as the inventor Colle Davis.  It is unlikely that you will find very much that is positive by all accounts.  You may want to remove the link to his website from your message above as well.  A lot of people who have bought these systems have reported big problems afterwards... they rarely seem to get what they expected.  I would use this forum and others, and get much better advice from the people here that genuinely want aquaponics to succeed, and who want to help those people who try it.  You will find a huge amount of support on here and will be able to collaboratively design and build a system at what will likely be a fraction of the cost.... and will be significantly better.

I have designed systems myself, but like I said i've been looking for a medium "turn key" system for my folks who are interested in operating a system but not so interested in putting one together. Can you suggest anything? Thanks for the comment and advice!!

Alright, thanks to everyone for taking the time to stop and write. I should have done a search on portable farms on this forum first, and wouldn't have even needed to ask the question. Also I took a look at some of the offerings at the aquaponicsource and was pleasantly surprised. Things sure have come along in the last couple years. I just have not been looking at completed systems! Again, thanks all!

Here in the US, there are a few system kits that make for a nice starter home or backyard system and that is what I would suggest for your parents if they are here in the US.  Even if they decide later that they want to do something larger, it would be better for them to start off with something on a scale they will be able to handle and learn from.  To do much larger without gaining some first hand knowledge is a bit fool hardy.  And they should probably get on one of the forums or perhaps buy Sylvia's or Joel's or Murray's books or videos to do some learning.  As you said, you are not on the same continent and can't do it for them so they would need to become educated to some extent.

There seems to be such a huge rash of people "selling" or wanting to go commercial without any real first hand experience.  Even for people experienced in Aquaculture or hydroponics trying to go commercial is challenging and I know people who are experienced and educated in Both aquaculture and hydroponics and they are being very cautious about claiming what commercial aquaponics might be able to do.  Definitely heed the red flags.  Aquaponics is a great method of growing more food for every drop of water and it's a great way to grow food for yourself/family as well as being a wonderful hobby but I don't think anyone should make claims about production numbers without running the system for a few years to get real numbers.

Justus, I agree with everything that has been said here, and I'm hoping that what you are looking at is our AquaBundance Modular line -  I think it would be a great fit for what you are looking for.  You can get as large as about 100 sq ft of growing area and a 500 gallon tank...with all the plumbing fittings and accessories (test kit, thermometer, etc.) you need along with a 72 page Assembly and Operating guide.  Shoot me a PM or give me a call if you want more info.


I think we see an industry in its own right in it's infancy. And I think we can say "We aint seen nothing yet"


What I mean is there is a market and a lot of good folks determined to perfect and develop the technology. I have noticed older garders picking up on AP by the droves with new interest and vitality. I have also seen setups demonstrated at care centers and VA hospitals. And I believe the present is huge but the future is awesome.

Yes I was looking at both the modular and the tote systems. Very nice!! 

My folks aren't looking at going commercial by any stretch of the imagination. Just a system large enough to give them fresh veggies and the same for 2-3 other small families. Big project, for sure, but I don't think that would be considered commercial! 

About them needing to get educated, this is true! And maybe starting small would facilitate that better. 

Thanks so much for all the advice and input!

300 gallons at a time.  Step by step.

Ask to see one of their systems in production... and their actually monthly production records...


I bet they can't/won't....

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