Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I'm trying to write a business plan for a commercial aquaponics "farm", but writing such a document is not really within my skill set, and I'm having trouble finding a good template to start from. Does anybody have such a business plan or template? Don't worry, I'm in Texas, so I won't be competition for you if you're elsewhere. :-)

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Thanks Matt!  You're right!  This time I clicked on it and it worked; last time I'd copied & pasted it. 

Thank you so much!  Happy Gardening!  :)  Jane 

Jane McNeil said:
Your baby is beautiful by the way!

Jane McNeil said:

Jane McNeil said:
Your baby is beautiful by the way!
Thanks!  She's actually getting more beautiful with age.  I'll have to get her into some pics, when we build our new system in FL.
I'm glad the link worked out for you.
Be well,

Jane McNeil said:
Your baby is beautiful by the way!

There's nothing more amazing than being a parent - my daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me!





Hi Friendly,

I'm new to this forum, but I'm exploring a business venture with aquaponics in Montana.  If your offer of sharing your business plan still stands, I would be very interested in looking at it and using it as a starting point.  Best regards,


FriendlyAquaponics said:

I am happy to send you our business plan, written in 2007, which got us a $100k loan from our local credit union...I'm not sure how applicable it will be, but you're welcome to it.

Hi All,


I'm in the process of putting a plan together. Can't remember where I found it but attached is an "Acme" sample aquaponics business plan. Hope it helps.





Wow!  That is by far one of the best business plans I have seen so far.  Well done.

CliveP said:

Hi All,


I'm in the process of putting a plan together. Can't remember where I found it but attached is an "Acme" sample aquaponics business plan. Hope it helps.





Thanks Everyone!


jane  :)


Hey guy, I just wanted to thank you for your business plan. It will be a good reference for my own business plan.


Thanks again and Cheers


Could you please help me with your template? I would really appreciate that. Thanks! -Mehdi

William Sherman said:

I've written several high-tech type business plans and to the best of my recollection, started with a template off the Word or Word Perfect web-based templates. Hopefully that will give you a starting point. Would like to get to know you as you are only a short drive from us out here in Ben Wheeler. You might even find it interesting that our "Ben Wheeler Community Garden" is in the building stage of launching a Aqua-Culture test on the community gardening level. Jim has never done it before; but has been in the nursery and community garden arena for the past 20 or so years. He' a real interesting guy to talk to. Give me a call some time and we'll kick around different ideas. My cell # is 512.587.0328; call anytime, except 9:30 pm to 5:30 am. Look forward to meeting you.

Bill & Rosie Sherman


Could please send me a copy of your business plan. Would appreciate that. Thanks! -Mehdi

FriendlyAquaponics said:

I am happy to send you our business plan, written in 2007, which got us a $100k loan from our local credit union...I'm not sure how applicable it will be, but you're welcome to it.

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