Aquaponic Gardening

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A friend sent me this link on washing strawberry's with 'soap'. At first, I was kind of skeptical. After watching the short video....I was asking my self..." how many of 'those' have you eaten in a life time ? "

Good grief...I normally just rinse them under running water.

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Comment by David Hart on November 30, 2010 at 4:54pm
I'd like to clarify my last comment...I think it's funny to see people's reaction, to the idea of eating bugs.
I don't want anyone to think, I'm making fun 'of' or 'about' the Kosher laws of my Jewish friends !
Comment by David Hart on November 30, 2010 at 3:59pm
Good point TC.... I read that the strawberry was the worst for absorbing/ not being able to wash off the pesticides.

I originally made the post, just to get a rise out of Not that I'm into eating bugs.

If only people actually knew, how much food manufactures are allowed to have 'stuff' in their food products like...bug parts, mice/rat hair and....I'll stop there.

Which is worse ? After biting an apple...seeing half a worm -or- an empty worm hole ? LOL
Comment by TCLynx on November 30, 2010 at 3:40pm
Naw, a certain amount of bugs and dirt are necessary for a healthy immune system. I'd be more worried about the pesticides that wouldn't wash off well even with strong soap.
Comment by David Hart on June 5, 2010 at 12:03pm
MOM ! TC is eating bugs again !

I was thinking the same thing TC. Maybe they figure the soap makes them lose their grip, and fall off the strawberry....?
Comment by TCLynx on June 4, 2010 at 6:46pm
Ya know, I think I'll just keep rinsing them and eating them. I mean, is a dead washed bug any better for you than one that was only rinsed off?

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