Aquaponic Gardening

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Natural reusable grow media that not only maintain ph and provide and support benefical bacteria, But help reduce nutirent deficnecys.

2.Higromite 1/3 grow media I will use, Is made up of mostly silica 70% and pH neutral. So my plants will always have extra amount of silica to use year around as needed . I hope all these natural grow media i use together produce good results that i expect to see.

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Comment by TCLynx on August 1, 2010 at 4:32pm
So you understand that the balance with AP is going to be a different situation than Hydroponics.
Comment by Ross Cayson on August 1, 2010 at 4:13pm
Cool thanks for the info I was just going to experiment with all of them since i used them before with my aeroponics and hydroponics systems. Im only doing this on a small scale to play around lol but thanks again :)
Comment by TCLynx on August 1, 2010 at 1:07pm
I'm not certain but I believe this stuff is similar to Maidenwell or Diatomite. If so, it is not pH neutral.
On their web page where they say
" High in Silica and inert "

they are not talking about pH, they are talking about it not rotting away they way bark will. Here is what they say on the Uses page under Inert.

It does not break down like other media on the market today and can accompany your plant from seedling to specimen. Higromite can be re-used depending on the application."

I could not find anywhere on their page that says the media is pH neutral. I started searching through the links on the studies page. I did finally find one that does note pH. It doesn't say Neutral.
It actually gives values of 4.52, 4.54, and 5.25 depending on the size.

Perhaps with that kind of pH range, you would need to mix it with the coral but I don't know how easy it would be to stabilize a pH in such a situation or what would dissolve away first.

Also, this stuff might cause levels of copper/zinc and other metals to become toxic to fish.

If you already have a large functioning AP system and are going to test this stuff out in a secondary system, then go for it but...I would recommend avoiding them for building a first larger system since they may create difficulty in trouble shooting problems during cycle up and a first season with fish.

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