Get your mind out of the gutter. This is about my 1951 Willys steel woody wagon.
SSo here are the facts. If you have a regular car with a regular insurance company than you insure your classic with full insurance for very little a year. In my case It cost me only $226 a YEAR with one of the two classic Insurers. No restrictions. I have included the PDF of the quote so you can see the actual coverage and cost. Basically it has to be your second or more family vehicle. You chose the value and coverage and that is what you are rated at. When I joined the local car club I was amazed that many of the 300 members drove what are called RetroRods full time. These are older cars that have been retrofitted with Power steering, brakes modern engines, AC etc. These vehicles can also already have those things. Such as 60s chevy etc.
So you can save thousands on insurance and have a vehicle that APPRECIATES in value. It also typically costs less to fix. So the car club members have a bare min insured modern car with lets say State farm. Many don't even drive them. They then have one or more classics up north and down here. Some trade or sell and buy different ones for fun every so often. Sure you could get caught up in spending way too much on the vehicle or be smart and buy one some classic restorer has spent way too much on and sells it as a loss. You can see from my pics that the Willys is not a show car but my daily driver. It has a 70s olds lower front end. You know 8 cyc, automatic, PW steering PW brakes. I paid about 3k and have about 2k more in it. I insured it for 7k. It is worth about 10k. I will up the value this year to 12k.
If you are thinking of doing this I recommend you join the local car club. Ask for advice from the kinda folks that drive what you may want. The whole insurance thing changes when the vehicle is about 30k. There are no restrictions. Oh yeah the registration is under $50 a year too. Don't be dumb and buy a muscle car and get 8 miles a gallon. I live 10 mins from work but I have driven the Willys 150 miles in one trip many times. I put a real nice hitch on it and pull all sorts of stuff. I also have a small carb and get decent millage. I just wish it had a better trans for better millage. It doesn't have any safety equip but a 70s or newer vehicle will.
You should be able to click on the images and get a larger one.

I spent some money on dressing up the engine area and on the suspension. I also changed to headers (better millage) and smithy mufflers. It sounds great but not loud. I also have a local mechanic that knows everything about these old cars and is cheap to fix things. This isn't my first rodeo. I have owned several 50s chevys cars and trucks. A 47 Hudson truck and an old Porsche. My next vehicle will be a convertible for fun drives. And if I ever get rich than my dream vehicle is a 36 terraplane convertible. One of the most beautiful things ever made.
Tell me if this doesn't get your juices flowing.

If anyone knows more about this whole insurance thing please post it.
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