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Think twice before assuming a cheap swimming pool will be appropriate for your fish tank. Do some extra research.

I know that there are some people who have done it successfully but there are other situations where several months into operation of the system, certain types of fish start showing signs of illness.

Some types of swimming pool liners are treated with chemicals to protect the vinyl from UV, algae, and bacteria. Some of these chemicals are slow to release and can build up in an AP system over time. Some types of fish are going to be more sensitive to these things than others. I would take particular care about such things when keeping catfish because they have such sensitive skin.

On the other side of things, some of those cheap pools that have the inflated top ring, those can be collapsed by a curious dog trying to see what's in the water, or even just after a drink. I don't think I would want to risk such an easy way for my fish tank to be emptied.

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Comment by Jim Fisk on July 7, 2014 at 9:13am

I was going to use a used 24' pool liner for DWC until I laid it out on the lawn for cutting and smelled that awful vinyl smell. I immediately went in and ordered Dura-Skrim. Made a great cover for 2 boats tho

Comment by David Hart on June 24, 2010 at 5:01am
Small Scale Aquaculture by: Steven D. Van Gorder
Page 37 has a chapter called: "Conditioning the liner"....They mention 'vinlyl plasticizers'. He recomends filling the pool with water for (at least) several days and even add organic materials to help absorb the toxins. Of course , you drain, rinse and re-fill. 'Plus', the other methods I mentioned earlier.
His farming method uses the 12X3 pools, for growing his tilapia.
Comment by David Hart on June 24, 2010 at 4:08am
I remember reading somewhere...(?)....about someone recommending soaking a new liner in a pond or a stream for a day or two, or, scrubbing the liner with a strong mixture of salt water. If / when I remember, I'll post 'where'.
I wonder if there is something 'on' the liner (durring the making of it )....rather then the vinyl, itself ?
Comment by Raychel A Watkins on June 23, 2010 at 8:28pm
Let me relate a personal experience with cheap swimming pools that are not so cheap. I wanted to raise some Asian catfish. I had a big Intex pool up that I was using for swimming. The ocean is so close who wants to get into a stupid vinyl pool. So I decided to turn it into a catfish pool. I got 2000 babies and put them in and had no problem. But remember I said that the pool had been up for awhile. After I had raised the first batch I figured I would set up some more pools. I went out and bought 3. I set one up and being a scientest I know you test things. I put 10 bigger fish in the pool and killed them. My preaacher friend not being a scientest bought a new pool and threw 2000 babies in and killed every one. These pools need to be up a long time before they can be used for fish. I still have one of the 3 in a box and it has been 2 years. I would never go that way again. Also TC spoke about the blow up ring. Well this means the pool in bigger at the bottom than at the top. When you let water out to capture the fish it makes a great hiding place for the fish. It is easier to catch a wild rat than an Asian Catfish. They jump over nets, run around ithe circle of the pool. If I had made a movie of us harvesting the fish it would have sold as a best seller slap stick comedy. We all got soaken wet. We fell down in the pool and the fish got away. I would never do that again. You might enjoy that type fun. But seraiously the pools are deadly. Think about what they do to your children.

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