So Waianae Valley Farm Aquaponic Produce, offical started yesterday,
we have broke ground on our DWC system and will hopefully have it operational with a viable product by the end of May,
The system will be built on about 1/2 acre of agricultural land on the west side of Oahu,
our system is a DWC system useing 4'x24' troughs of which we have 4 being built,
our tanks are made up of IBC's we have 6 at this time and more are coming in so as we need to we can expand,
we will be using tilapia in our system which dose well in Hawaii's tropical environment,
I have a background in ponds having sucsesfuly raised Koi in England with my father in our backyard pond (1000 +Gal)
I have also got some experience with hydroponics growing lettuce and tomatoes,
My brother inlaw who is my partner has some experience with field crop production and we have both spent over a year doing research into hydroponics and aquaponics
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