Back after being AWOL for a while.......been doing lots of studio work, filling orders and whatnot in our jewelry business thru the hot months.
Aquaponicville has run amok....sweet potato's have taken over my 16' long gravel bed forming a pretty huge green canopy on the back (north ) wall and roof...
Malabar spinach has also gone rogue in the flow thru bed, as well as some really good growth on volunteer papaya trees I rescued from the compost tumbler..
Got the NFT node set…
ContinueAdded by Steve Bradbury on October 13, 2012 at 7:45am — No Comments
Just plumbed in the 1 HP pool pump , and after diddling with it for a couple of days, things are back to semi normal. I'm way overpumped for the system I have right now, but will be adding at least one more node of 4" PVC tubes ( 3 , stacked and gravity dropping) set along the outside wall of the greenhouse. These will dump into a 10' long 1' wide gravel bed, then back into the fish tank on the west outside of the greenhouse.
Only lost a few plants that I can replace with rooted…
ContinueAdded by Steve Bradbury on July 5, 2012 at 4:12pm — No Comments
All I can say about the last several days here in not so sunny North Central FL is ..............WOW. We left an upturned empty 7 gallon feed bucket out Sunday morning to get a handle on how much rain was going to come down.......its brimmed over the top.
Lost phone on monday afternoon, both land line and cell,different providers for each, but the DSL stayed on, albeit spottily. Got a little studio (jewelry making work done) between checking stuff, and pumping water OUT of the fish…
ContinueAdded by Steve Bradbury on June 27, 2012 at 10:32am — No Comments
Good Morning Folks!!
Finally got everything running well, plants and fish doing fine...about to add a 3rd node of NFT pipes on the outside wall of the greenhouse....
Then, I walked into the greenhouse, #1 cup of coffee in hand to feed the Koi...I glance down into the fish tank after shutting off the pump........and theres about 1' of water in the tank ( its 4' deep-2" inground, 2' up) Well, it took a couple of minutes...(remember I was on coffee #1) to actually make sense of…
ContinueAdded by Steve Bradbury on June 22, 2012 at 9:14am — 2 Comments
Just installed a bell siphon in my gravel grow bed, it worked so overloaded the 6" x 6" troough leading back to the fishtank....I thought it was going to suck me down the drain....LOL
Time to pop a reducer in that 1.5" pipe tomorrow morning
Added by Steve Bradbury on June 11, 2012 at 8:38pm — 4 Comments
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