Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Randy Turner
  • Santa Barbara, CA
  • United States
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Randy Turner's Friends

  • Jay
  • Jay Mottz
  • Zalinda Farms Inc
  • Safwat Zaki
  • Michael Hanrahan
  • Miguel Afonso
  • Nigel Clement
  • Marina Galvan
  • Chris Smith
  • Green Acre Aquaponics

Randy Turner's Discussions

Seed germination problems

Started this discussion. Last reply by TCLynx May 26, 2012. 6 Replies

Lately, I've been getting poor germination of seeds. I seed into net pots on a tray with a 2/3 coir and 1/3 vermiculite mix and water daily from my aquaponics fish tank. The seedling tray are under…Continue


Randy Turner's Page

Profile Information

How did you find us?
a friend
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
How old is your system?
Less than 6 months
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
How big is your fish tank?
40 gallons
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I'm looking at starting a commercial aquaponics systems in Santa Barbara and looking for partners, customers, and advice.

Randy Turner's Photos

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Randy Turner's Blog

Seeking Gammarus....

Posted on September 5, 2011 at 1:54pm 4 Comments

After taking the commercial training at Friendly Aquaponics, I am sold on the idea of organisms which consume settled solids and help with nutrient cycling and reduce filter maintenance. In Friendly's case, Gammarus do the trick and since I'm planning a Friendly-style system with minimal gravel beds, I am searching for Gammarus. Unfortunately, I am in a section of California where Gammarus are not found, so I'm hoping someone out there may have some they can ship or know where they can be…


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At 8:12am on June 12, 2013, Jay said…

Looking to connect with Aquapons in my area

At 11:09pm on September 13, 2011, Marina Galvan said…

Hey Randy, gammarus AWESOME but getting live things out of Hawaii is not very easy... do you have some detrivore local to the area? maybe an extension agent at your closest university could help you identify something that would thrive in your temperatures in your aquaponics system, that is already in the environment. Best of luck!


At 8:18am on August 29, 2011, Michael Hanrahan said…


I'm back from a family holiday on the east coast and would very much like to connect with you sometime soon to see your system and discuss development of a larger system.


Feel free to connect with me via my outside email



At 12:36pm on August 14, 2011, Michael Hanrahan said…

Hey Randy. Thanks for reaching out. Definitely interested to see your system. I've begun to secure the various components of a 'back patio' system, inspired by the Aquaponics4You web site.

I'm actually in Carpinteria. Let's connect this next week, if possible.

My phone is (805) 453 6912 and email is

At 10:18pm on August 3, 2011, Gina Cavaliero said…

Welcome Randy,


Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community!  I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics.  There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to get in there and start asking questions.  Everyone is quite happy to help out new members – no question is too basic. 


A great place to start is to read the “How to Use This Site” link on the upper right corner, “Start Here” section of the Home page.  You might also find the “Aquaponic Gardening Rules of Thumb” guidelines helpful.


Please participate and check in with us every day!  We are constantly posting news about aquaponics and the good food movement.


Normally Sylvia Bernstein, the community's founder, would be welcoming you, but she is enjoying a well deserved vacation and I am helping out by welcoming new members in her absence.  I am certain she would be excited to have you join and she will be looking forward to getting to know you upon her return.  Thanks again for joining us, and I too look forward to getting to know you too.  See you around the site!


Gina Cavaliero


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