Aquaponists who are growing their plants with tilapia
Members: 276
Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2021
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The Aquaponic Source -
The Aquaponic Source - - pickup available in Boulder, CO
This last one is also interesting in the fact that they raise Jatropa plants which are somewhat aquaponically raised. These plants make a high grade of bio diesel. In fact they claim to get 830+ gallons of biofuel per acre of land.
This last link will send you Tilapia as long as you can prove your State will allow them.
It is a list of approved Fish suppliers in California by County
Jeff Givan
I purchased my tillapia fingerlings from edgar sanchez at unlocksmith
he sells breders and mixed sex fingerlings, nice guy his website is tilapia farming at home. He also offers a 75% discont on breeders if you are the first person to find out the rules for bring his type of tilapia into your state
I also purchased Blue Tilapia fingerlings from Rex his email is rrains@hotmail .com anouther nice guy usually has a ad on ebay.
In either case they were shipped via mail over several states I only lost one baby
I have breeders in the basment hopefully I will be having some for slae in the next couple of months pure strian blue and alsoT. hornorum X mossambica cross. This cross acording to what I have read shoud produce 98% male. This would be a a on a small scale.
Before you get any fish make sure you can have them where you live.
The U.S may be the home of the free but no when it comes to keeping tilapia.
Many people catch blue tilapia in ponds and canals as far as a free source. If you would like to buy them, only place I know of without an aquaculture permit here is Morning Star Fishermen.
They can sell Blue Tilapia but they don't ship so you have to go visit, bring an ice chest or other tank and a bubbler for the drive. They were very nice and showed me how to check gender of the fish (once they are big enough.) I have never been to one of their classes or workshops though.
Started by Jeff S. Last reply by Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr. Mar 16, 2016. 3 Replies 0 Likes
I had a power outage and lost 47 lbs of Tilapia to lack of oxygen. Are they still edible? If so how do I store them while waiting to fillet them? Seems like all the big ones died.Continue
Started by Phil Slaton. Last reply by Bruce Fulton Jan 27, 2015. 3 Replies 1 Like
Huck’s Fishing Hole is a Tilapia fish breeder and hatchery. We are one of the very few Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife licensed/registered Aqua Farms authorized to breed, hatch,…Continue
Started by David Langham. Last reply by David Langham Jan 12, 2015. 5 Replies 0 Likes
I am also a Aquaponics newbie. I read Sylvia's book and dove in last October. Everything was great until a couple weeks ago when I expanded my system. I added a 3'x5' DWT to my system which is a…Continue
Started by Nate. Last reply by Phil Slaton Nov 22, 2014. 6 Replies 0 Likes
Hi, I'll give the whole rundown, and I'd love it if anyone can help me figure out what the problem with my system is..I am very new to aquaponics and I've set up a new system after reading through…Continue
Thanks Mary. I remember the account well, it just was not effective for my water. But I have renewed interest now and will try it again, because I would much rather use wood than HCl. My well water varies from 7.0 in the spring to 9.0 in the fall, so I have to adjust my strategies throughout the year. Most of the time, things stay in my desired 6.0-6.4 range as well, though changes sneak up on me. Last year in the fall rains hit, but still warm sunny weather in between, I had a KH drop and system crash that took all winter to re-establish (outdoor, of course)
Hi, Jon! This is Mary Proctor "Randy's wife" I do believe I have said many times on this website that using "driftwood" in your IBC totes (we cut our logs about 10-12" in length and they are about 4" in diameter can lower your pH. We just got thru testing our water out of the faucet "in the kitchen" and the water pH is 8.2 "high range". We just now took a reading of our IBC totes water " in the aquaponics" and it is @ 6.4. By the way when we build our new greenhouse, re-installed our aquaponic systems, one side was doing great, the other side was having iron lock-out because of the high pH. We couldn't figure out why we were having the problem on one side but not the other. We put chelated iron into the problem system trying to correct the pH. We looked the tanks over again... and had "OVERLOOKED" putting the driftwood logs back into the tanks that was having a problem with pH. We immediately put the logs back in, Low and behold within a couple of days our pH was back to normal perimeters. Around 6.9 is what we consider good". People don't have to use the driftwood, if you want to use chemicals etc in your system, that is up to you. We are "trying" to be as organic as we can. To pass on information that we have had "GOOD RESULTS". another person doing aquaponics had told us about the driftwood & moss. We live @ grand lake of the Cherokee's and have access to driftwood all the time, that is washing upon the shore. We make sure it is not pine, cedar or a sticky type of residue on the logs. This person also said you could use Spanish moss (put in an old panty hose) and the water continually flows over it also lowering pH. WE HAVE NOT TRIED THIS, as the driftwood logs did the trick. Our pH stays pretty consistent thru-out the year! Any information passed on to us, is great. As you know, by trial and error, finding out from others what they did in that particular case can help or not. If it works, great! IF not go on to try something else. We love aquaponics and hope to help in any way we can.
We used to breed very well with younger, 6"-8" long tilapia in a 35 gallon tank. We would keep 1-2 males and 3-5 females together, aiming for about 8 or 9 fish. The crowding keeps them from being too aggressive. As they grow, we pull some out.
For the last two years we've used a 75 gallon tank, aiming for 6"-10" (larger fish = larger broods). We move the breeders to the main tank when they get too large, replacing them with smaller breeders. We also move the mommas to "nurseries" when they have a brood...usually on the 10th day.
9.0 is very high! Doug, what are you using for media? Did you check your media for carbonates? When we first started we tried peat and driftwood to bring our system down, but neither had a significant effect. I've heard they can work, though, and Randy confirms that. We went with HCL, too, until our system matured. We still use it in our prep water for our breeder tanks.
Randy, with your system as old as it is, have you tried just leaving the driftwood out to see if your system is self-managing the PH? Our system went from 8.2 down to 6.2 on its own when it matured. Your blessed to be close to a place with good driftwood! :)
150 tilapia fingerlings for two IBC grow beds? You realize when they get bigger you are going to have to expand? If they all the fish survive, and they start growing, you are going to need 1 fish per 1 square foot of growbed - I believe that was the ratio if I remember. Just keep that in mind.
That's a good tip, Randy, thanks. Do you have any numbers to accompany your experience, like what is you well pH and KH, how does it change throughout the year, and what your opinion of perfect pH is? I have floated logs for the same purpose, I believe on advice of your wife, and have not had the same luck. I have been able to pull moderately hard water down with oak leaves (it took so much that the water turned black), but if the season is warm and you are topping with water at 9...
Time for a good old fashioned side-by-side experiment
Doug...we have high PH well water, we finally learned from an other individual that using a piece of drift wood from the lake or river (as long as it does not contain sap "pine or cedar" will lower your PH naturally. We have used this method for about 2 years now in our aquaponics, we have (6)IBC totes with 12 beds, our PH stays perfect. It takes a little time to get your system to level out, this log stays in the tank until it sinks, replace with another piece of driftwood. We go to Grand Lake here in Grove Ok at Sailboat bridge and collect logs that have washed ashore, again making sure they are not cedar or pine. What do you have to lose by trying this method. A river will do as well. We also tried PH down,burned our fish and other methods. As we said....the drift wood works, naturally! Good luck Randy
I've recently started my flood and drain aquaponics system using ibc tanks. My fish tank is 280 gal. and I'm using an ibc tank that I've cut in 2 to make 2 grow beds. My system is cycling about every 15 minutes. I've put 150 fingerling tiliapia in my tank and I've already planted. Everything seems to be working just fine, however, my ph is running 9.0. Last night I added about a quart of vinegar to my system to see if that would lower it, and it was still running at 9.0 this morning. A few days before this, I used some ph down and got no change whatsoever. Any suggestions?
Also I take the mother out with the eggs and let them hatch into a smaller tank all by themselves.
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