Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Northwest Aquaponics

To discuss regional issues with those in the Northwest

Location: Washington
Members: 156
Latest Activity: May 5, 2020

Discussion Forum

Passionate about Aquaponics!

Started by Devon Watkins. Last reply by Vic Wagoner May 5, 2020. 2 Replies

Hello everyone!I am currently a student at Edmonds College and have a major passion for Aquaponics and plan on building my own aquaponics farm one day. Does anyone here give tours of their aquaponics…Continue

Can I visit and collect data on your aquaponic garden in the Northwest?

Started by Joel Bidnick. Last reply by Joel Bidnick Apr 17, 2016. 3 Replies

Hello, fellow aquaponic practitioners! I’m Joel, a grad student of horticulture at UW, and I’d like the opportunity to visit your system if you use flood-and-drain (or ebb and flow) grow beds within…Continue


Started by Phil Slaton. Last reply by ArrowNeous Mar 14, 2016. 2 Replies

Food Grade held Washington Apple Juice. Dirty. Some held stagnant rainwater and others used for rock and sand filers for my trout grow out tanks. 14 IBCs - $55.00 each or make your best offer for 2…Continue

Fish for NW Aquaponics

Started by Jeff Guykema. Last reply by Jeff Guykema Mar 11, 2016. 16 Replies

I'm brand new to AP but have been reading and, hopefully, studying for about a year or so. During that time, I knew I wanted to have tilapia as my fish, but am fairly sure I won't be able to sustain…Continue

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Comment by Rick Stillwagon on March 18, 2011 at 11:12am

Hey everybody!

I finally found my steam engine.  So, next part of the project is the boiler.  It will be a centralized system, that will heat two homes my shop, and the greenhouse.  The boiler will of course, power the engine as well.  I have an engineer working on the boiler design which will include a biomass pellet fuel system.  That way I will be able to fire it on cord wood or biomass pellets.  The engine will generate electricity to charge the batteries that will be powering the aquaponics system.

Comment by Rick Stillwagon on March 9, 2011 at 2:04pm
I also found a very inexpensive source of recycled tempered glass.  3'x6' panels for $5.  I bought 40 of them to use on the roof of the building I posted photos of.
Comment by Rick Stillwagon on March 8, 2011 at 4:14pm
I have recently found a few sources for the 275gal. IBC tanks in the Tacoma Seattle area.
Comment by Rick Stillwagon on February 17, 2011 at 1:07pm

Hi everyone, sorry I havent been very active here.  I have had a large woodworking project get in the way of finishing my greenhouse.  Still working on the heat and power system.  Should be back on track in the next few weeks.  I hope all is going well and hope everyone is getting ready for spring!


Comment by Rick Stillwagon on February 4, 2011 at 1:39pm

Hi everybody,


I have narrowed down my choice of steam engine to two, but both require machining.  I have acquired most of the equipment to build, metal lathe, drill press, and other misc. pieces.  But I still have to get a milling machine.  Almost there!  I have a couple of boiler designs that are fired with biomass pellets.  I am collecting material to begin building the boiler as well.  It has been a bit of an adventure.  Should be glazing the greenhouse soon and then adding the coldframes to both sides for the cooler weather crops.  I hope all is going well for everyone.  Take care!

Comment by Rick Stillwagon on January 12, 2011 at 1:35pm
Another view...
Comment by Rick Stillwagon on January 12, 2011 at 1:34pm
Here is the green house so far....
Comment by Rick Stillwagon on January 10, 2011 at 2:35pm
Thats great Nathan!  I will have to go check that out.  I am finishing up my greenhouse, and will be working on the heating soon.  Then I can start setting up my system.
Comment by Nathan on January 7, 2011 at 10:50pm

I should say where it is, too.

Ocean King Market

140th and Mill Plain

Vancouver, WA

Comment by Nathan on January 7, 2011 at 10:50pm

Hey all,

I found a new store in Vancouver, WA that sells individual live catfish and tilapia (among other things, crabs, oysters, lobsters, etc).

Catfish and tilapia are $4.59/lb.  I got a two pound catfish and a couple tilapia for my tank.





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