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The excavator comes on Wednesday to start leveling the ground for 2, 1 now and another hopefully in the spring, 30' x 96' Greenhouses.  We should have lots of pictures soon.  Wish me luck.

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Wow, that sounds great. Looking forward to your pictures James.
Very exciting, James! Best of luck to you.
What type of GH is it?
Well todays progress report. My 15 year old son and I took down all of the drip irrigation lines and all of the conduit, hanging from the trusses, that was used for the hanging flower baskets. We started in on the plumbing lines but decided we would just use a saw to cut them up to make it more easy to remove. That all took about 3 hours, 6 man hours total, which doesn't seem like much but it sure looked a lot different when done. Tomorrow, the plumbing and electrical lines / conduit will come down and we hope to start in on the plastic and one end polycarbonate end wall. @ Rob, it's a GGS, Growers Greenhouse. It is a oval / rectangular tube frame with a trussed interior.
Greenhouse update: I never got a call back from the township so I called again this morning, talked to the Zoning supervisor, he said I have to apply to have my greenhouse on our property, zoned agricultural. Not only that, but they want $600.00 for the special application fee, $2000.00 for escrow and I can't have the meeting until later next month... I asked what the escrow was for, somewhat expecting the answer, "it's for the attorney fees". While this is all happening, my wife calls and says that he excavator is at the house and ready to move dirt! Jim the excavator / hero got on the phone, a local farmer himself, and talked to the right people people at the township... hooray! The new news is that if it's for ourself and not for wholesale I can build as large of greenhouse I want. wink wink.. we will go with this for now and will be taking "donations" for the food that is taken off the property.

Tomorrow, we start in on taking off the old plastic, which we will be saving for other projects and removing the end wall polycarbonate. Today we were able remove the gas, electric and plumbing lines and I was able to do a little investigation as to how I would be taking off the zig zag plastic holding stuff...don't remember what it's called. All the old bolts and nuts are rusty...grrr, nothing easy.

Meeting with the excavator to make some minor adjustments and then off to do more greenhouse fun...woo hoo.
phew! A little too much governmental excitement there, James! Good thing you have the "right" guy doing your work. I had some friends just come back from Russia and tell us all about the bribing system there. In some ways we aren't much better's all about who you know. Just part of the human condition, I guess.

I've heard the zig zag things referred to as "wiggle wire", but I"m not sure that is any more technical than zig zag things! Looking forward to the next update.
Update on the greenhouse: We have not been back out at the greenhouse, to continue dismantling it, too many other things happening with the family, the farm, etc.. Today was going to be the day we start into breaking down the frames but it's raining with chance of thunderstorms... blah.

At the site, we have the hole dug for the 2 - 3200 gallon FT. We also did a test hole to see if we could put pond elsewhere on the property, good news there, we can and it looks to be a good supply of water for the local wildlife.

I have pictures of everything, they will get uploaded one day soon... That's all for now.
Update: It's been awhile... The entire greenhouse is at its new home! We put the ground post in, which took 2 days plus a few more days because of procrastination, and then installed the 30' frames yesterday. My son, a family friend and I were able to install all, but one, of the frames in just 5 hours! I bent one ground post and needed to cut it off today which then we were able to install the last frame. The next few days it is supposed to rain, and be very windy, so we will be finding some other constructive things to do around the farm.

We have a few new developments taking place, some involve the AP systems while others are things happening on the farm.
1. Low tech geothermal / moisture control system that will be buried in the ground of the GH to help both heat, cool and maintain condensation.
2. Approx. 400 sq. ft. will be dedicated to WormPonics with help from a new friend in TN.
3. Wind and or Solar is looking like a good possibility for 2011 to help power the GH's on a daily basis and for backup.
4. We will be testing some ways to grow livestock grains via sprouts for Kenya.
5. We have decided to lease 20 acres to produce Certified Organic grains for people food.

That's about all for now, pictures soon to follow.

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