Aquaponic Gardening

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I have 25 Chanel catfish ( fingerlings about 3 months since I got them ) I did have some blue gills in with them bad mistake catfish where killing them off I now have the blue gill inside my home well my question is is there any type of algae eaters I can put in with the catfish with out them killing them the tank size I have the in is a ibc tote about 150gal of water

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Here is a picture of the fish tank that I have my catfish in
cover the sides to stop light getting in

Agree with Paul about the cover, which will cut down the algae but not eliminate it. Most algae eating fish are not tolerant of cool water. My experience with snails is that they don't eat enough and obstruct the pipes.

Also 25 channel cat for 150 gallons is not going to be sustainable.

Yes I know I'm building a bigger system

Unless your water has turned pea soup green you have nothing to worry about. Any healthy system will have dark green algae on the sides of the tank. So do lakes and streams. You have not really described a problem so far. Do not expect a "clean room" look to your system or you will kill it. A certain amount of algae indicates a healthy system.

I think it is better for you to search on the web and get the correct sites to find out the algae killing methods. If you will not get any techniques for making this,this is not a single method. 

If it is on the web it is here on this forum. Algae control is not rocket science. Andrew already has a handle on this.

anthonytennant835 said:

I think it is better for you to search on the web and get the correct sites to find out the algae killing methods. If you will not get any techniques for making this,this is not a single method. 

@jim Fisk thank you so much my tank is good but now my plants cilantro mint parsley and red leaf sage seem to be loosing there green and turning yellow not sure what's going on I tested the water and it is good and the weather has been nice PLEASE HELP !!!!!

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