Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I Bow to the Zen Aquaponics Master - Ok most of us have seen the guys incredible videos on Youtube.  So what captures our imagination with this system?  All in one natural Pond? The variety (this guy even grows cactus) of flowers and plants are like a flower arrangement. The moving floaters and music.  
Who wouldn't hire an Aquaponics company that could build systems that look like this.
First a couple of links to bewilder us more.  This beautiful system needs a discussion.  I have done some searching and frustrating translation. Chime in.

Here are a few of the hundreds of interesting links. 

His  Picasso gallery 
Looking at these carefully you can see a netting around the edge of the floats. maybe he protects the roots that way.  Just an observation 

His youtube page

His website 
His blog

His store?
Sylvia " make contact and get the us distribution of the floaters"  One of my translations implied he developed them. Maybe TC will be able to find the post about them on the BYAP I couldn't find it.

His youtube page

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As I mentioned in the products thread, I would not assume that the tank with water with fish in it and plants on top is all there is to the system. I expect there is some filtration going on out of site of the camera.

However, I think I read some where that you can have a system that contains about one fish per cubic meter of water and grow some plants on top with little or no outside filtration. However, one fish per cubic meter of water is not going to provide a lot of fish to eat nor is it going to support a lot of plants above but it could be a fairly simple system. 1 IBC, 1 tilapia, 1 plant, 1 air pump, 1 lb of feed. Is that enough aquaponics for ya, if so then great.

Just don't expect that the results this guy is getting is simply by floating is pretty plastic plant floats on top of a koi pond, there is more to it.

These floats do look pretty neat but they are small and appear to require special net pots to hold the plants in them. It is pretty cool that they can support the plants up high enough that stuff like cactus can grow but I have aloe growing in a constantly flooded bed right now and it's doing fine too. Again, these rafts look really neat but aside from the nice look of them, you can get just as good plant growing results using rafts of your own making.

I'll have to search to see if I can find the mention of this stuff on BYAP but I don't think very much information surfaced there either. Some one did buy some of the plant floats off e-bay I think. They were probably $5 or $6 each for the single plant floats that hold like a 2" specialty net pot. Might be worth it for a fancy water feature but I still expect most of us could manage something almost as good for a fraction of the price with more local materials.

But if Sylvia can manage to get a good deal to distribute, I'm sure she would still have some takers for those who want a showy water feature.
I sorta remember participating in that discusion over on BYAP with Rupe and a fiery one it was!!

here's the link.

Don;t miss the following link for this product:

In terms of the product.. yeah it looks nice...

In terms of the application of the product... then as TCL points out.. while it works, in a limited context... but there's more involved than depicted...

And as an "aquaponics" application isn't probably cost effective in comparison to either UVI style floating raft or flood & drain methodolgies...

There has several people who have recently posted comparitive results of UVI style rafts and direct floating of plants in tanks and/or DWC... on several different forums...

All with the same conclusion.... that without significant pre-filtration, solids removal... or supplementary oxygenation...

Plant growth is poor at best... and root rot prevalent...

Even the designer of the system and product linked to.. has a youtube link relating to "maintaining water quality"...

IMO... while it certainly is an "aquaponics" system by basic definition... it is limited in terms of cost effectiveness in comparison to other models.. and involves significant undisclosed maintenance...

But as I said in the last post of the thread you linked to... "hey if it works.."
Of course, he has got filtration, buffer and oxygenation! Check out link below.

The action begins at 00:48. Do click OFF the captions. They are rather distracting!

Rupe: It would be interesting to see comparitive results of UVI rafts Vs floating plants in tanks. Can you post the links?

Knowmore09 said:Rupe: It would be interesting to see comparitive results of UVI rafts Vs floating plants in tanks. Can you post the links?

KM Here's a couple of links off the top of my head...

There are many other references on the BYAP site over time regarding floating plants directly on tanks.... all with dismal results...

My computer is currently down and under repair... I'm sure I've got some saved bookmarks...
Thanks mate!!

RupertofOZ said:
Knowmore09 said:Rupe: It would be interesting to see comparitive results of UVI rafts Vs floating plants in tanks. Can you post the links?

KM Here's a couple of links off the top of my head...

There are many other references on the BYAP site over time regarding floating plants directly on tanks.... all with dismal results...

My computer is currently down and under repair... I'm sure I've got some saved bookmarks...

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