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What is everyone growing in hot weather? I can seem to find anything that will hold up to east tx heat. I am growing in a greenhouse with shade tarps and fans.  


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I like Okra and Okra likes it hot.


Won't okra get too tall? 

Randall Wimbish said:

Cucumbers, green beans Okra and peppers. Like Glenn said, when we get in the 100s Okra will out perform.

Okra CAN get very tall. 6 or 7 feet is not uncommon. But it is fairly easy to keep them topped at a comfortable harvesting height. For us, at around 3 ft. tall and when the first okra is about 3 inches long, we begin topping the plant at the main stem about once a week and harvesting the okra as they become ready at 2.5 to 3 inches. You will definitely want/need to wear gloves while trimming. And keep the fruit frozen/crisp until using.

I almost got okra. Nice fruit formed, but those dang aphids got to it first. Curse you, pests of the insect world......

I grow chard, malabar spinach, basil, certain tomatoes (sun golds), and mixed lettuce greens.

What are your GH temps hitting? Ours will hit 110F at max but Swiss Chard, Tomatoes, and even Kale seem to recover each and every time. We finally pulled our SwCh and Kale after they were 2 yrs old and still producing in favor of fresh plants. They even handled 16F in the GH twice last year. (-20 outside) Froze solid as glass and were fine by mid morning. Nothing else we have grown so far has had such a long run thru so many conditions and we love them both.

Chard, chile peppers, and tomatoes. NOT lettuce -- bolts every time.

I just planted eggplant and zucchini -- not sure about if they'll fruit but are growing nice.

Okra is a good tip -- going to try it.

Basil and hot peppers both handled a greenhouse fan failure last year.  150 degF for several hours, two days in a row.

Everything else went kaput.

I'm in The Bahamas, so heat and excess sun is a big issue here. I have a DWC system. I can grow basil and mint year-round without any problems, they don't mind the heat. I also grow lettuce year-round but whereas I can grow any variety I want in the cooler months, during the summer months I have only found great success with the variety from Johnny's Seeds called "Tropicana", but this is only under some shade sails that block some of the sun so that the lettuce doesn't get cooked in the middle of the day. I' am also trialiing some other heat-tolerant lettuces from Johnny's at the moment, so I'll let you all know which other varieties do well.

Tropicana - I'll have to try that.  Nelson Pade use Lollo.

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