Aquaponic Gardening

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I am in central Texas and built a raft system based on Friendly Aquaponics instructions.

Water temperature is up to 92

ph 7.7

ammonia 0.5

nitrate 10

nitrite barely above 0

Seed starting bed

Plant Problems

Tomatoes originally looked like Iron deficiency and I added iron, then it just started getting light green all over

Pumpkins that are now completely dead

Cucumber with same type issues and it's roots

Okra - left 3 are a week or two older then the ones on right

So any thoughts or ideas on what to do to get this going? I'm looking for a good low cost d.o. meter. I'm also wondering if putting them out in full sun in just frying them.

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Yeah, you can tell with your squash plant. Seems a tad stunted, and the bottom leaves are yellowing. Your system could use a nitrogen boost. That's probably what's going on with your tomatoes as well.

Yeah that's what I'm guessing. I'll cut them out and focus on the lettuce for a couple weeks.

Devoid, your toms look Magnesium deficient to me, which may be caused by excessive potasium rather than an actual mag def. It's easy enough to add some epsom salt to remedy low mag. Also beware of blossom end rot on the fruit, caused by low calcium. If you are borderline on cal, then adding mag will make it worse. Sounds complicated, but just throw in some epsom salt and observe. That's probably all that's needed.

How is everyone doing?

I found that Loofah plants grow amazingly well in aquaponics this summer. Most everything else got wiped out by one thing or another. Leaf cutter ants are back trying to take out my ghost chilies again

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