Aquaponic Gardening

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I have an IBC based system with an IBC as the fish tank, three feed troughs as grow beds and a 100 gallon sump tank.  I ran it outdoors this winter and froze lots of water and plants.  Lately I've built a green house in my backyard and moved the aquaponics system there.

I look forward to sharing my experiences and learning from others.


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Tough winter to start outdoors. I did the same thing here in Mi. but managed to build my GH in the fall. Still it was hard to keep it warm enough for my Tilapia. Had to build a 1500 watt water heater and bite the bullet on the electric bill. Over the winter I've kinda figured out how to cut heating cost so I'm ready for next year. If you want some pointers I'd be happy to share.

I'm expecting some channel catfish in the next couple weeks.  They survive outdoors around here and are good table fare.  I may try some supplemental heat to keep them growing through the winter.  I'm leaning toward a rocket mass heater. 

Thanks for the reply.


I started with an electric space heater then went with a wood heater Even if wood was free and plentiful wood heaters require a lot of work and have to be loaded regularly or your heat goes out. I've read that rocket heaters while efficient require a lot of time to keep them lit. My new system includes lighting the wood stove at night and I also have a thermostat controlled propane radiant heater that kicks in after the fire goes out..
Gene Davis said:

I'm expecting some channel catfish in the next couple weeks.  They survive outdoors around here and are good table fare.  I may try some supplemental heat to keep them growing through the winter.  I'm leaning toward a rocket mass heater. 

Thanks for the reply.


I like that the mass heaters give off heat slowly for a long time.  It's another subject that I have no experience yet but want to learn about.


That is a plus. I set my radiant heater facing the IBC so it not only heats the GH but also the water and the water acts as a heat battery too. I also run my 400w HID light only at night to utilize the heat from it as well. I did a loop in my wood burner duct to get as much heat from the fire as possible.


Here is a picture of my greenhouse.

Cool.  I'm still new at attaching pics here. I was going to build a hoop house but as winter was approaching fast I had to go with something I was familiar with and just framed it in.

I'm after a temporary structure until I get a feel for how much space I need.

Yeah I'll be enlarging mine this year. It's 8x10 and I think it will be doubled.

I'm starting at 10X21'   I think the garage is 28' along the wall in the pic of the hoophouse, that's our most likely location for a less temporary structure.

Some new picks.

Nice clean set up. Mine is cramped for now. That's why I'm going for expansion.

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