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what is the best filtration for an AP raft system? It needs to be gravity fed though.

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radial flow or swirl

what about after that I have a swirl filter then two 5 gallon buckets full of carbon(diy)and lava rock.what i am wondering is whats the best use of the two buckets.

Averan said:

radial flow or swirl

The best use of the two buckets? Use them to put your veggies in when you pick them. I think you will need a lot more surface area for bacteria then can be obtained with two buckets. I'm using a 30 gal. rubber maid trash can with 1 cubit foot of K1 media on my dutch bucket system. It has 30 tilapia in a 125 gal. aquarium. Next season I plan on adding another cubit foot of K1 and going from 10 buckets to 30 buckets or a raft system. Right now the system is producing more nitrates than I need for my plants.

no i mean for solids  i am gonna do bio elswhere 

thank you for the good info rebuild almost finished

Randy said:

The best use of the two buckets? Use them to put your veggies in when you pick them. I think you will need a lot more surface area for bacteria then can be obtained with two buckets. I'm using a 30 gal. rubber maid trash can with 1 cubit foot of K1 media on my dutch bucket system. It has 30 tilapia in a 125 gal. aquarium. Next season I plan on adding another cubit foot of K1 and going from 10 buckets to 30 buckets or a raft system. Right now the system is producing more nitrates than I need for my plants.

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