Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I came across this ad on Craigslist for tilapia fingerlings, channel cats, and other fish. The price is the cheapest I've found (100 for $60) and they deliver to most parts of Florida for FREE!! Here is the post:


We have fish fingerlings for sale and the prices listed below include delivery to you or your pond.

Blue Tilapia 1 to 2 inches are $60 per hundred.

Channel catfish 3 to 5 inches are $60 per hundred. 5 to 7 inch channel cats are $85.00 per hundred.

Largemouth bass 2 to 3 inches are $85.00 per hundred.

Bluegill and red ear sunfish 1 to 2 inches are $60.00 per hundred.

Gambusia minnows are $75.00 per thousand.

Koi 3 to 5 inches are $5.00 each when you buy 10 or more.

All fish sales are cash on delivery only-no deposit required.
The prices listed include delivery to most areas in Florida.
To place an order or if you have any questions call ...321-696-9554

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Don, go to Ace Hardware and purchase their janitorial grade ammonia for $6. It does not have any additives and works perfectly. Follow TCLynx advice here and you will not have any problems:

If you can dose to between 1-2 ppm of ammonia one day and have both ammonia and nitrite back down to 0 ppm 24 hours later, then you are fishlessly cycled and you can add fish.  If it will be a while before you can add fish, then keep dosing the ammonia to about 1 ppm per day to keep your bacteria fed until a couple of days before you will get the fish.  Make sure the ammonia and nitrite are 0 or close to it before you get fish.

Good luck!

Dan Ponton said:

no ammonia or nitrites.... so you think maybe it has not showed up yet?

I am using feeder golldfish which costs 13 cents each just in case.


 Kenyon James Hopkins said:

Looks good. Do you have nitrites? Your post doesn't mention them. I'm not sure you want to put too many more fish in the system until you show nitrites and then its decline with some nitrates present to ensure you have all the bacteria in place particularly since you won't be around for a few days to monitor they system.

Just got back into town and the ammonia is at .25 ppm and nitrites is .25 ppm. The feeder goldfish are dieing about 3-5 per day. No big surprise since they do not eat and are bred to die anyway.

My wife is stopping and buying ammonia. I'll be in town till next Monday so I can watch the system.

John E Windsor said:

Don, go to Ace Hardware and purchase their janitorial grade ammonia for $6. It does not have any additives and works perfectly. Follow TCLynx advice here and you will not have any problems:

If you can dose to between 1-2 ppm of ammonia one day and have both ammonia and nitrite back down to 0 ppm 24 hours later, then you are fishlessly cycled and you can add fish.  If it will be a while before you can add fish, then keep dosing the ammonia to about 1 ppm per day to keep your bacteria fed until a couple of days before you will get the fish.  Make sure the ammonia and nitrite are 0 or close to it before you get fish.

Good luck!

Dan Ponton said:

no ammonia or nitrites.... so you think maybe it has not showed up yet?

I am using feeder golldfish which costs 13 cents each just in case.


 Kenyon James Hopkins said:

Looks good. Do you have nitrites? Your post doesn't mention them. I'm not sure you want to put too many more fish in the system until you show nitrites and then its decline with some nitrates present to ensure you have all the bacteria in place particularly since you won't be around for a few days to monitor they system.

Ok.. She bought ammonia hydroxide with surfactant

Surfactant is a chemical that brakes the bond between two liquids.

So.. is this safe to add to my FT??????

No. The surfactant is a sudsing/cleaning agent. It is harmful to your fish and counter productive for the bacteria you want to develop in your system. Ash her to find an Ace Hardware and get the janitorial ammonia. It contains only water and 10% pure ammonia. What you want to look for is ammonia that DOES NOT suds up when you shake it.

I have gold fish in my system now (later come the talapia) and they are fine with the Ace Janitorial Ammonia. I started cycling my system 2 weeks ago with it and I haven't lost the first fish.

Dan Ponton said:

Ok.. She bought ammonia hydroxide with surfactant

Surfactant is a chemical that brakes the bond between two liquids.

So.. is this safe to add to my FT??????

I spoke to this guy yesterday and he said he might be able to come through my area today. He was going to call me in the afternoon to confirm. By 5 PM I had heard nothing, so I sent him a text. No response. So, at 6 PM I called his number and then again this morning at 8:30. Nothing. I don't think I will be dealing with this guy.

So today I drove over to Florida Fish Farm and bought 25 channel cats for $7.50. They were a nice size too.

John E Windsor said:

I spoke to this guy yesterday and he said he might be able to come through my area today. He was going to call me in the afternoon to confirm. By 5 PM I had heard nothing, so I sent him a text. No response. So, at 6 PM I called his number and then again this morning at 8:30. Nothing. I don't think I will be dealing with this guy.

Was this the Craigslist guy?

John E Windsor said:

I spoke to this guy yesterday and he said he might be able to come through my area today. He was going to call me in the afternoon to confirm. By 5 PM I had heard nothing, so I sent him a text. No response. So, at 6 PM I called his number and then again this morning at 8:30. Nothing. I don't think I will be dealing with this guy.

Yep! Still haven't heard from the guy. I won't be calling him again. No need to.

how did your fish delivery go?how are they doing.I'm almost ready for some of my own.

Todd Pitney said:

I'm getting a delivery from Shane today. 

His fish are healthy and you can't beat his prices. 

Great guy I highly recommend him.


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