Aquaponic Gardening

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Everyone I am looking for a Catfish supplier. I see that most places sell tilapia bluegill and other various fish but not catfish. Are the fish out of season or too expensive to raise? I am looking for about 20 channel cat and located in central nj.

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Have you tried your local aquarium store?  I was given a very good price for an order of 100 fingerlings.

Thank you Bob, for some reason i did not think of a local pet store and ill try them(all big box stores no local stores in the area)

Search for fish farms and places that stock farm ponds (not likely to find many online web sites, few of these kinds of farms are active online.  Search in phone books and agriculture listings and perhaps even with the state fish and wildlife listings for hatcheries.  Call them up and keep trying by phone till you get some one, my experience is very few are good with e-mail or messages.)  Many places are less likely to ship catfish since they are scared of the barbs puncturing the bags and the fish not arriving alive but very small catfish fingerlings can be shipped same as bluegill or tilapia.  Catfish are really common farm pond stocking fish through much of the country and if the pond is small, it is often recommended to just stock catfish rather than trying to keep the right balance of bass and bluegill.

Hey, I'm in central Jersey too. Check out Monmouth Feed Supply Co in Farmingdale. They have everthing we need.

I'm stocking my tank very soon. Sorry for the late response, let me know how you make out. Or if you know other good places

I am changing over  from Trout to catfish.  Need a fingerling supplier that will ship to WA state.  I am a state licensed aqua farm.


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