Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

 Ive been trying to come up with a low power idea for moving/pumping water.

 This guy explains what i like best so far.  The Urban Aquaculture Manual, by Johnathan Woods.

     This may be old well known stuff to some here but i thought it may help someone.

 Just look it up with a search engine.Its free online.

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Did Glen Martinez ever publish his airlift design guidelines? I know he was using some interesting designs they felt the need to protect with patents for commercial/manufacturing. The plan was to open source all of the design plans though. Last I heard the patents were to be issued "any day now" but that was a few months ago. Sounds like a lot of hot air but someone credible said it was legit so im still waiting.

Ive been MIA so maybe I just missed it as I have 700 unread posts on here to read still.

@Vlad - This is one of the best papers ever written about aquaponics.   I have a link to it on my bookmark toolbar so that I can always have quick access to it.

Vlad Jovanovic said:

Hey guys...Check out section Airlift of this document for how/why/ and under what conditions an airlift will function...and see if you can apply those design ratio's to suit your particular space/needs/desires...(the rest of the doc is quite a good read as well).

Yeah, it's definitely one of my all time favs. I've linked it many, many times here and will continue to do so. I think it should be among the prerequisite pieces of literature for anyone wanting to get into AP. (Not that it's the 'be all and end all' or anything like that, but it is a very, very helpful and well written document).

 I looked it over and then made it a favorite so i can look at it in more depth.  One thing i keep noticing on many sites is the use of large pumps on ac. It seems kind of like going backwards unless you dont care how much money you spend to grow food.Heating also. Well when i get a system up(may be awhile) ill put a link up for a video about it.


You have hit upon an important realization.  Aquaponic systems and the entire process needs to be designed to operate efficiently.   That might be easier if you live in Hawaii or Florida,  but between Summer and Winter my location varies by about 100F degrees  and the cost of keeping my tilapia warm with an electric heater is ridiculous .. I firmly believe it can only be done with wood heat, so I am currently building a rocket mass stove for my green house.   But I will not  grow warm weather crops in the dead of Winter.  Instead I will use the heat to get my starts ready for the Spring and Summer gardens.  Nor will I attempt to keep warm water fish or any fish for that matter.  My plan is to use boiponics and plant seasonal crops.  The green house will only protect from wind, rain and animals.  I find it best to work with the climate rather then oppose it. I know many green houses use evaporative cooler in the summer.  But I've found that shade cloth and ventilation is all that's required even at 105F even if you have fish, but not having fish allows you to live with the seasons without worry.

On top of all that the cost of electric grow light also puts the whole economy of growing out of season into question.  

To me aquaponics is hydroponics with complications.  There are very few who claim to only add chelated iron.   Most aquapons seem to end up adding a lot more than just Fe2+.   My feeling is we may as well be doing hydroponics or bioponics from the get go since there seems to be no way to avoid supplemental nutrients.  And without the fish you are left free to do what's best for your plants without the worry of killing the fish. 

Then there's the pumps and aeration that run 24/7 in many systems   Truth is - plants need very little water circulation.  An air lift pump will both aerate and move water.  I'm also a big fan of timed flood and drain. 

Ron said:

 I looked it over and then made it a favorite so i can look at it in more depth.  One thing i keep noticing on many sites is the use of large pumps on ac. It seems kind of like going backwards unless you dont care how much money you spend to grow food.Heating also. Well when i get a system up(may be awhile) ill put a link up for a video about it.


Well here is another example of "you can never post a link or repeat good info too many times." I have been reading everything I can get my hands on for a year+ now and this is the first I have seen this link.

Once again, thanks Vlad. Now I have something new to read tonight

I was slammed some months ago for suggesting that we should put together a pdf or something of the best of the best links and posts on this forum but I'll stick my neck out one more time....

Vlad Jovanovic said:

Yeah, it's definitely one of my all time favs. I've linked it many, many times here and will continue to do so. I think it should be among the prerequisite pieces of literature for anyone wanting to get into AP. (Not that it's the 'be all and end all' or anything like that, but it is a very, very helpful and well written document).

Jim there is actually a group here called "Books-Articles-Documentaries-Links"...

It's just been kinda 'tumbleweedy'...Doesn't seem like people use it much and it's not organised real well (meaning clearly defined A to Z topics lalala)...

I have a thread there going called "articles and links" but it's real sparse. I am very guilty of poor organisation and forgetting to post links/studies there. Instead I post and link and threadjack all over the place...Feel free to use my thread as a jumping off point...or better yet start your own thread/project of organizing such AP related info. 

I know you and Bob (Campbell) have had your differences over CS, but he has a pretty good project of that sort going on already with his .blogspot    Check it out...

And in all fairness, Rupert wasn't really slamming you (well not hard anyways) he can just sorta come off that way sometimes. I think he was just trying to showing you that a lot of that exists already over at BYAP. Those folks have put in some very considerable effort into their various publications, films, magazine, website, etc...And he's been at this much longer than most any of us here...and he is after all Australian. I know he rubbed you the wrong way, but try to understand his perspective (on that particular topic). Who knows maybe 10 15 years you or I might find ourselves defending a similar position. (Hopefully concerning the PDF/thread you are about to start)!

Well, I am more of a "this is how I do it after much experimentation and I hope it helps" kind of a guy and do not consider myself any kind of authority except perhaps when it comes to electricity as I have been a licensed master electrician for about 20 yrs. with all the training that entails.

Bob and I are fine. I know that our "misunderstanding" was based upon the "email syndrome" that is so terrible at conveying things like "tongue in cheek" and that is why so many large and small corporations have banned emails at least once a week. Face to face communications only. Fact.

Believe me I know how much work it takes to organize such a project and it takes a dedicated person to pull it off. If I were truly retired I might have the time but as it is we are struggling to make ends meet at least till the Cummins is paid off, etc. Soon we hope Maybe then.

Meanwhile don't be afraid of repeating yourselves as the search engines on forums are notoriously BAD.

Vlad Jovanovic said:

Jim there is actually a group here called "Books-Articles-Documentaries-Links"...

It's just been kinda 'tumbleweedy'...Doesn't seem like people use it much and it's not organised real well (meaning clearly defined A to Z topics lalala)...

I have a thread there going called "articles and links" but it's real sparse. I am very guilty of poor organisation and forgetting to post links/studies there. Instead I post and link and threadjack all over the place...Feel free to use my thread as a jumping off point...or better yet start your own thread/project of organizing such AP related info. 

I know you and Bob (Campbell) have had your differences over CS, but he has a pretty good project of that sort going on already with his .blogspot    Check it out...

And in all fairness, Rupert wasn't really slamming you (well not hard anyways) he can just sorta come off that way sometimes. I think he was just trying to showing you that a lot of that exists already over at BYAP. Those folks have put in some very considerable effort into their various publications, films, magazine, website, etc...And he's been at this much longer than most any of us here...and he is after all Australian. I know he rubbed you the wrong way, but try to understand his perspective (on that particular topic). Who knows maybe 10 15 years you or I might find ourselves defending a similar position. (Hopefully concerning the PDF/thread you are about to start)!

Bob ive grown plants with hydroponics and it was expensive and it didnt feel right mixing up chemicals to make the food grow. The waste from fish seems more natural and is cheaper.If its cold where you are i imagine there is fish that could take it.Catfish come to mind first.
I do agree that for heat,wood makes more sense.I just like my rocket stove/heater idea better.
But moving to warmer climate has about eliminating the need for so much worrying about heat,for me.
But hey,whatever works for you,and makes you happy.

I agree, I've done hydroponics and would not want to go back to that.  Bioponics has the nutrient advantages of aquaponics without the complication of raising fish..   I have two systems and I'm building a third.  I may keep the catfish.  I have catfish in both my cool water tank and my warm water tank.  The growth rates are MUCH faster in the warm water. 

Ron said:

Bob ive grown plants with hydroponics and it was expensive and it didnt feel right mixing up chemicals to make the food grow. The waste from fish seems more natural and is cheaper.If its cold where you are i imagine there is fish that could take it.Catfish come to mind first.
I do agree that for heat,wood makes more sense.I just like my rocket stove/heater idea better.
But moving to warmer climate has about eliminating the need for so much worrying about heat,for me.
But hey,whatever works for you,and makes you happy.

 Im going to use gold fish.I was reading that that food really goes through them.Two fish for forty gallons is what i read.

Maybe later ill try trout for when the weather is cooler(i like eating trout more than catfish) Bioponics? Ill have to read up on that one.

Hi Guys,

Hey, check out .  Glenn goes over his unique designs.  I plan to use one of them in my system (about 600-700 gph).


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