Hi... I am wondering if anyone has used crappie or other types of panfish in their aquaponic systems... I did a search, but didn't find anything. I had thought there was a group for panfish, but perhaps I am just thinking of the Bluegill group. Anyone?
I have a couple dozen crappies. Indeed, they are tough to pellet train, and you can count on most if not all dying (of starvation) if they are coming from a pond. Other than not eating, they are pretty tough. They are WAY tougher than bluegill in terms of stress infections and low DO. I know. I had a mishap (lost pumps) kill over 2000 bluegill from low DO, overnight! In the same tank, I didn't lose a single crappie or green sunfish.
I am hoping to get a spawn this spring, and raise the young on feed from the first moment of weaning them from zooplankton, in hopes of getting crappie stock suitable for AP. I'll keep you posted.