Aquaponic Gardening

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I'm sorry but whoever thinks that the word "fishmas" is offensive is an idiot, and I've got a few other words for you, shitmas, fuckmas, assmas,  dum mas, ass mas, crack mas, retarded mass.


I only signed in to this forum for the first time because I got an email saying some forum members found the word "fishmas" to be offensive, WHAT THE HELL!  I dont even care if you bann me, but I hope some of the people who find that word offensive see my message and realize that they are complete retards.


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Here here,  have we gotten so mixed up with political correctness thaty we have forgotten how to have fun.  I went out to my Ap and took off the cover and yelled Happy FISHMAS to all my fish.  they just looked at me and asked

"is it supper time yet?"

Whome every  was offended by ''fishmas'' is a fool.

Happy Fishmas all and especially Abilene Bob!

Phil Slaton

I agree that finding offense in the term 'Fishmas' is over the top.  For a term to be be truly offensive it must, in my humble opinion, been intended as offensive, derogatory, or insulting.  For example the way you use 'shitmas' and 'f***mas' could, again in my humble opinion, be legitimately considered offensive.

To Sylvia - for my part I found your poem to be cute and like Jake the only reason I came to the site today was to voice my opinion on that matter.  I'm actually envious of anyone who finds your use of the term and the accompanying poem offensive. I wish that I too had so few real worries that I could take the time to find offense is such trivial actions.

Best wishes to everyone for a great holiday season.

Thanks Phil and A very mery FISHMAS to you!!!!
Phil Slaton said:

Whome every  was offended by ''fishmas'' is a fool.

Happy Fishmas all and especially Abilene Bob!

Phil Slaton

I really am confused... how on earth could "fishmas" be considered offensive?... I just don't get it.  

Can't fish also celebrate the birth of Santa Claus? 

good answer!

Japan Aquaponics - アクアポニックス 日本 said:

I really am confused... how on earth could "fishmas" be considered offensive?... I just don't get it.  

Can't fish also celebrate the birth of Santa Claus? 

Evidently there are far more members
offended by such small-mindedness
than by an innocuous word such as "fishmas."
Some people need to grow up
rather than playing word-police on the internet.

Thanks for providing this great community forum, Sylvia,
and have a very merry Xmas!

- Shas

For whatever reason people find to get worked up over the holiday seasons, they are gonna do it.  To be offended by some one wishing you good will on one of their own holidays (whether you believe in it your self or not) seems as noted, a bit high strung.  Or were they Christians who were offended by Christmas being changed to fishmas or were they some other religion being offended by the use of Christmas as an occasion to wish others well, who knows...........

And does it really matter?  Sigh

Does that mean we have to change to Happy Fishadays

I am utterly offended at the offense taken by this little word!  Thanks for the levity, and Merry Fishmas To ALL!!  

It is truly pathetic.  Merry Christmas to all, Happy Holidays.  Happy Chanukah and 

Happy Festivus!

Bah hum bug to anyone else I forgot!

Who knows. Maybe they were just trollin for some forum rage, and they sure got some. If they were "offended" by something as simple as this, they should unplug their computer from the interweb because clearly they cant handle it.

Saying "I'm offended by that" is so BS anyway. I love this quote:

best quote I have heard in a LONG time.  GO Chris!!!!
Chris said:

Who knows. Maybe they were just trollin for some forum rage, and they sure got some. If they were "offended" by something as simple as this, they should unplug their computer from the interweb because clearly they cant handle it.

Saying "I'm offended by that" is so BS anyway. I love this quote:

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