Aquaponic Gardening

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Hey guys.  I'm not familiar with these pumps at all, but I found them in a place that sells stuff that's scratch and dent.  Neat place, got a tip that there was a load of fish supplies so I checked it out.  I should have included a few big ones, 250W and I forget the price.  Anyway, here's the smaller stuff.  They range from about 7 dollars Cdn to 12 dollars.  I think you can see the price tags anyway.  I picked up a 15W pump for 5 dollars with no packaging as a backup for the one I have.

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Interesting :-)
Paul, do they have a website? If yes, could you please post a link so we can see what is available and what is their shipping policy :-)
Good find! Stock up now.
No website Sahib. It's a mom and pop operation.
Really (;
In this day and age...what can I say!

Paul Letby said:
No website Sahib. It's a mom and pop operation.
Is this store still open?

What is the store's address?


whats the name of the store?

I wouldn't trust my fishes lives with a cheap pump made in China. Nothing made in China last for a decent period of time. You get what you pay for and if I need to keep my fish alive and my plants watered, I'll pay the money to keep my harvest safe.

Bob - Not too bad to have a backup pump for cheap available if needed.  You could always use these until you could get to the store to replace a busted pump. :)

I always use the old Boy Scout Motto ... " Be Prepared " I do not use cheap equipment. People never, ever figure this one out.  Its a simple fact and it rarely fails me.  Something I learned when I was a boy and has been repeated throughout my life. It will always cost you more in the long run if you buy cheap products. If you buy good quality equipment to start with and keep a backup, it will cost far less in the long run. That is a simple fact of life. it will always be that way. I have argued this too many times with people who thought they knew more.  Please do not take offense at my comment. its just the simple plain truth of economics.  As an example, when I was a telecommunications installations engineer and went to work for a smaller company, they complained if I took too long to do a specific job, it didn't matter if it was just five or ten extra minuets.  Many of their other installers always did a fast and sloppy job to make mgt. happy. Then they would have to go back out to the customer site to fix that same sloppy installation because they didn't allow for the job to be done right the first time. It didn't make a difference if it would have been just an extra five minuets or so the first time. The customer was still billed for a full hour plus for a job that should have been done right the first time. Granted this is a comparison of apples to coconuts but the point is still the same. Would you want to be that customer ???  

Do it right the first time and you won't be dissapointed.  I live on a fixed income but I still do not cut corners. Not ever ... Cheap will always cost you more, so it isn't really cheap when the tally comes round. 

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