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Have you had a good or bad experience with a fingerling provider?

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Good Folks!

Tilapia - S. California

Channel Catfish-Lima Ohio

in Central Florida I've been getting my Catfish from but they can be difficult to get  a hold of sometimes (this is not uncommon for fish farms though so keep calling) on Telephone     352-793-4224 

(Though I'll probably be checking in with anyone around Central FL who wants to go in on a joint order after we gets past the worst of the cold, I could quarantine a batch of fish in my expanded 300 gallon system and share them out to people after a quarantine period since I know most people don't have a good means of quarantine.)

Another good guy to deal with


Red Claw Crayfish-Florida

Michael Robinson

GREAT tilapia experience:

I've got a fantastic tilapia supplier in Desert Hot Springs:


Blue Beyond Fisheries.

(760) 275-0762


He's got a HUGE hatchery and excellent prices. He spent about an hour giving me a tour of the facility and answering all my questions.  He supplies tilapia to restaurants, so his stock is clean and happy and well taken care of.

For the "Good" list and why:

Who: Danbury Fish Farms

Where: Southeast Texas (Near Alvin & Pearland, or, ~30 miles out of Houston)

Pluses: 40 years in business; wide selection (including their own "Legacy Bass"); newly constructed sales facility; Slab Sale each month for small pick-up orders; easy to contact by phone or email; they deliver (for bigger ponds).

Minuses? Can't think of any...

Personal Experience: Channel Catfish nicely bagged and boxed and which have been healthy happy perfect fishy citizens.

I'm picking up more 'fiddler fish' from them this week!

I went out to see Michael at Stick Fins Fish Farm where he sells Australian Red Claw Crawfish (freshwater lobster).  He is a heck of a nice guy and took the time to show us all around his farm.  His wife handles all of the phone calls but she isn't able to check voicemail until after lunch.  Great people!

He also has some beautiful Koi that I believe are for sale.  Not sure of the name of them but they have the long fins and were quite colorful.


Stick Fin Fish Farm

Elkton, Fl


BTW: His farm is for sale if anyone is interested.  He is disabled and is having a hard time managing right now.


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