Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

David Schwinghamer  3210 E. Pershing Ave. 85032     North/central Phoenix

Views: 302

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Wow, I mussed your question, Maynhia. Sorry! A parabolic oven looks like a round microwave dish. It opens up like a fan, spreading out into a circle. You put your dish in the middle, and it directs the heat evenly around the food. It's not's more like a stove, I guess, but you can cook use a dutch oven with it & cook pretty much anything. We saw one we like that costs about $300.

Maynhia Stott said:

What type of oven is that?
Holly, you recipe sounds yummy I will try it this weekend.

Larry, what better way to celebrate an anniversary than with an aquaponics tour? It's like going out for dinner with a lot of friends. :)

Larry said:

Pout, pout Will not be able to attend. That is my annaversery and if I want to stay married I beter not miss that LOL. Maybe afer thatI I can contact each of you for a short looky loo. OH BTW I have water cycling in my system as of friday 9 March and will be more than happy to share what I have. Just  not on Apr 21.  

Dave, Been out of the loop for awhile. I would like to participate in your tour.  Lynn

Morning Dave. What is the tour schedule?

Tour? I dont know about any stinkin tour!

LOL!  We need to get it going. Busy times!


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