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Maybe I'm delusional but I have spent the last 6 months putting the pieces together. Generate 10KWH of Solar & Wind a day to run the system, grow insects to feed the fish or use an insect based pelleted fish food which doesn't exist yet but will. There are many things to make a green house work in a northern climate that don't involve oil. Sure you will need to add some BTUs from renewable sources like wood or pelleted fuels but if your are smart about storing solar heat in a heat sink you can minimize the need for fuel. The Sun is all we need for power, heat and energy... we just need to make it happen.

Nate Storey said:

When the petrochemical food ends, where are you going to get the fish meal or high-protein feed to keep you fish alive and  producing appropriate amounts of nutrients?  If you're in a cool climate, how will you heat or cool your greenhouse?  As far as subsistence living goes, AP is one of the worst applications when armageddon finally hits- it's too reliant on massive distribution channels for fish meal, feets of fishing vessels running on diesel, large-scale monoculture of soybean and corn, electricity for pumps, heating and cooling, etc.  If the oil runs out, it will be good old fashioned dirt farming that will feed your family.  Not AP.  Not to be contrary or anything- I'm just pointing out that AP isn't nearly as sustainable or environmentally harmless as people think.

Jonathan Kadish said:

My point about rice is not about if we can feed the world it is if I can grow enough to feed my family when the petrochemical food we eat ends and people are starving. My calculations so far say each person needs about 500 sq ft of aquaponics to support them so I'm looking at if a 1500 sq foot operation growing rice veggies and fish. I'll be doing more work on the calculations but it is a good thing to be thinking about as we slide down the slippery slope of population collapse.

I have similar delusions, Jonathan. I've got my new greenhouse almost done, insulated slab and plenum heating from a wood gasifier putting out 10kw of electricity and plenty of winter heat on municipal wood chips, free!  Which beats solar 10:1, IMO. Easier said than done, I say, and similar efforts may be more rewarded on dirt farming, but I like fish and AP is so darned cool.
And yea, we do just need to do it. And then share how we did it, because talk is easy. 

Starting next week... here we go!

Jon Parr said:

And yea, we do just need to do it. And then share how we did it, because talk is easy. 

I was very surprised to see who had posted the video... but not at all surprised to see it is now listed as "private"...


I'm not sure why they bothered to take it  down... I know for a fact that it's been widely downloaded here in Australia... because everyone knew it wouldn't last long...

 Rats!   Yesterday I tried to view this  you tube segment, but the household was too busy..  We're on dial-up (a whopping 32.6kps) so I figured today I'd start early and allow for the 2 hours+ it would take to download and view the segment.  Now today when I tried to view it, the message on you tube says:

         " This video is private.   

          If the owner of this video has granted you access, please log in."   
So am I correct in thinking that this Dr. Lennrd does not want us all viewing his work?  Too bad... I'm always wanting to learn.
If I am not doing something right in trying to access this, would someone please let me know?
- Converse
Edited to add:  Okay, I am a SLOW typer...and now I see the explanation posted minutes before I posted my message (while I was typing S-L-O-W-L-Y).  Thanks for the explaniation..too bad the rest of us will not to be able to learn from the segment.  

This morning Dr Lennard's video has gone private. Hum? Glad I watched it yesterday.

We are planning a DWC commercial project, not only in Central Florida, but in Northern Brazil as well. Dr Lennard's comments have not detoured my ambition, but he has me rethinking how the system should be setup. 

We are very new to AP and your opinions are greatly appreciated. We need to learn from the mistakes of our predecessors.

I'm quite sure the listing of the video as "private".. has nothing to do with Dr Lennard....


Just as I'm sure that he would be quite happy to have his views known...


But the timing is just a little "embarrasing"... to those that posted the video....


John... " Too many of the "successful" commercial operations seem to depend on selling their knowledge and I don't hear the down side of the business coming from them."


Just how many of the "commercial operations" do you think are "successful"... and how many might actually only be "surviving"... partly because they're "on selling their knowledge"....

John E Windsor said:

We are planning a DWC commercial project, not only in Central Florida, but in Northern Brazil as well. Dr Lennard's comments have not detoured my ambition, but he has me rethinking how the system should be setup. 

We are very new to AP ....


John, are you serious.... you're planning two commercial systems, including one in a third world country... without any real experience in aquaponics...


Can I send you my bank account details... I could put the money to much better use...

 Heck I could probably even built a commercial system here in OZ... I'll go you halves in any profit... promise...

I apologize to anyone I may have offended. My comment has been edited. I don't expect formal training to be offered for free, however...

RupertofOZ said:

I'm quite sure the listing of the video as "private".. has nothing to do with Dr Lennard....


Just as I'm sure that he would be quite happy to have his views known...


But the timing is just a little "embarrasing"... to those that posted the video....


John... " Too many of the "successful" commercial operations seem to depend on selling their knowledge and I don't hear the down side of the business coming from them."


Just how many of the "commercial operations" do you think are "successful"... and how many might actually only be "surviving"... partly because they're "on selling their knowledge"....

It's a process, not an event. But thanks for your encouragement.

RupertofOZ said:

John E Windsor said:

We are planning a DWC commercial project, not only in Central Florida, but in Northern Brazil as well. Dr Lennard's comments have not detoured my ambition, but he has me rethinking how the system should be setup. 

We are very new to AP ....


John, are you serious.... you're planning two commercial systems, including one in a third world country... without any real experience in aquaponics...


Can I send you my bank account details... I could put the money to much better use...

 Heck I could probably even built a commercial system here in OZ... I'll go you halves in any profit... promise...

by the way....i saw the video on:

it was taken down, left with the note: Dr Wilson Lennard has asked that this video be removed

@Rupert: Gotta love the aussis AP community....always the best informations :D

But still wonder why it got taken down......good informations but not groundbreaking.

RupertofOZ said:

I'm quite sure the listing of the video as "private".. has nothing to do with Dr Lennard....


Just as I'm sure that he would be quite happy to have his views known...


But the timing is just a little "embarrasing"... to those that posted the video....


John... " Too many of the "successful" commercial operations seem to depend on selling their knowledge and I don't hear the down side of the business coming from them."


Just how many of the "commercial operations" do you think are "successful"... and how many might actually only be "surviving"... partly because they're "on selling their knowledge"....

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