Aquaponic Gardening

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Can anyone tell me about pests in their aquaponic gardens?

I haven't been able to find any discussions about dealing with pests in the grow beds.
Is this not an issue and how does one deal with it?
Not sure if the lack of soil keeps the bugs away?

Can someone shed some light on this subject please? Thanks in advance.

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I have springtails. I occasionally spray their eggs off the stems of my plants, but largely just ignore them as they are harmless.

Here is a forum topic on that subject

The Bug Battle

My biggest worry is cottonmouths looking for water and following the fish smell.

After working a fish farm for few summer where cottonmouths were very common I will tell you to chill out.  The chances of interactions with them is next to nothing.  The northern water snake will be more of an issue if you live adjacent to a body of water with large numbers of water snakes.  Those things can really do a number on confined fish, and they are aggressive, but a least they are not venomous.

Jason, it looks like your set up is inside.  Is it?

Raccoons and squirrels seem to be the worst pests I've been hearing about.  I haven't dealt with raccoons other than the fact that they will pillage a hanging feeder if they can reach it so make sure any fish feeders are protected and secured.  The squirrels though will do lots of damage from eating lettuce to decimating seedlings.  They seem to have a strange taste for peat pellets too.

I was warned about racoons but have never had to deal with them.  But lead poisoning is pretty common disease in these parts.

Matthew, My set up is inside,but once I get the hang of things I will be building a larger system in a greenhouse.

Come to Thailand - I'll introduce you to some REAL bugs :)

that explains a lot            

matthew ferrell said:

I was warned about racoons but have never had to deal with them.  But lead poisoning is pretty common disease in these parts.

Snakes will be no problem.  Heck I put snakes in our green house, and they run away.  I think I caught the same snake 3 times last year. 

Jason Yahner said:

Matthew, My set up is inside,but once I get the hang of things I will be building a larger system in a greenhouse.

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