Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

The evolution of aquaculture and hydroponics using a man-enabled ecology where microbiology converts fish waste into nutrients for the plants resulting in clean water for the fish.



I have purposefully left out soil-less, man-made container and injected evolution and "man-enabled ecology" from the previous definitions.  Can I get some consensus on this definition?

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I would re-word and shorten that last bit to:

This is an environmentally-friendly, natural method of growing food that harnesses the best attributes of aquaculture and hydroponics while lowering chemical input and waste output.

And leave out:
without the need to discard any water or filtrate(Not true, most systems will have SOME waste). or add chemical fertilizers (Again, depending on the system volume and PH, it may need to be buffered. Also worded fery Wonky)."

Absolutely Daniel, in no way was I trying to shoot down your ideas or do I have any elated ego. Further I honestly do not believe that I was the cause that Kobus left (actually we had a few private conversations and can confirm to you that your conclusion is not valid). My reaction to your post is best expressed with what Sylvia writes... "That said, I can tell you that my exhausted reaction came from the appearance that you were attempting to restart the conversation from a new place, rather than the place that many people arrived at through consensus and after many days, and pages, of discussion."


I really value your ideas and discussions and am sorry to see that you were hurt by my response. To that extent, I sincerely apologize for my response to your topic. Let me however state, should you have any concerns re my posts, please send me a private message so we can discuss and clear the air in private, as the type of statement that you posted is not really conducive to a happy and welcoming Forum.


God bless, 


Now that being cleared,

Sylvia Bernstein said:

Daniel, you are, of course, welcome to express your disappointment and were obviously hurt over that exchange.  I understand now that you were really stepping in as a community leader and trying to recreate one of the valued exchanges we lost when Kobus left.  You felt that that effort was squashed by Sahib and myself - and you are right about that and I absolutely apologize for for my part.  That said, I can tell you that my exhausted reaction came from the appearance that you were attempting to restart the conversation from a new place, rather than the place that many people arrived at through consensus and after many days, and pages, of discussion.  This was one of those rare cases where, IMO, we weren't trying to keep the discussion ongoing as much as reach an actual, usable conclusion as a group...and Sahib and I, as active participants in the original discussion, felt that consensus had been reached.


Kobus left for personal, family reasons, not because of the discourse of anyone on this thread. I can assure you of that.


Rick, you asked about the culture here.  98% of the time we are a group that is kind to each other and we are open to and value each others opinions- no trolls allowed..  Every so often someone is less than diplomatic, or shuts someone down without realizing it.  Hey, we are all only human and sometime we wake up on the wrong side of the bed or someone hits us in a sensitive spot.  I personally think the key is to get it out in the open, apologize if appropriate, and move on.


So in that spirit, Daniel, I sincerely apologize for my response to your topic and I promise that next time I will hold my tongue (or fingers) rather than respond in a way that shuts anyone here down.  

Thanks Rick.  I guess I am still getting a feel for it myself.  I felt that even tho we had someone leave and content, together we could stand and finish what we started.  I was just trying to restart it.  Figured i had a couple thigns to even throw in.  The reaction I read was "Errrrr, sorry, tyvm, but we already defined that..."


I forgive you Sylvia <3 


Rick Op said:

If it helps,

I heartily second the injection of the sense of "evolution" in the definition. Aquaponics as a concept is nowhere near a finished package.

As I am new here I don't feel 'ripe' enough to decide whether the first responses were "shoot-downs" or just honest opinions on your request for a consensus... Still getting a feel for the forum's culture you know.



To clarify what I'm saying, and I think Sahib is saying by quoting me, is that we feel complete with the original  discussion.  That by NO means says that a new discussion shouldn't be started and enjoyed by those who perhaps didn't participate the last time, or weren't members here yet.  Have at it 

Sahib, I didn't even mean to imply you are one of the egos, or Sylvia for that matter, and I am not gonna name any names about who I think is.  I just hope we can get along honestly.

Sahib Punjabi said:

Absolutely Daniel, in no way was I trying to shoot down your ideas or do I have any elated ego. Further I honestly do not believe that I was the cause that Kobus left (actually we had a few private conversations and can confirm to you that your conclusion is not valid). My reaction to your post is best expressed with what Sylvia writes... "That said, I can tell you that my exhausted reaction came from the appearance that you were attempting to restart the conversation from a new place, rather than the place that many people arrived at through consensus and after many days, and pages, of discussion."


I really value your ideas and discussions and am sorry to see that you were hurt by my response. To that extent, I sincerely apologize for my response to your topic. Let me however state, should you have any concerns re my posts, please send me a private message so we can discuss and clear the air in private, as the type of statement that you posted is not really conducive to a happy and welcoming Forum.


God bless, 


Now that being cleared,

Sylvia Bernstein said:

Daniel, you are, of course, welcome to express your disappointment and were obviously hurt over that exchange.  I understand now that you were really stepping in as a community leader and trying to recreate one of the valued exchanges we lost when Kobus left.  You felt that that effort was squashed by Sahib and myself - and you are right about that and I absolutely apologize for for my part.  That said, I can tell you that my exhausted reaction came from the appearance that you were attempting to restart the conversation from a new place, rather than the place that many people arrived at through consensus and after many days, and pages, of discussion.  This was one of those rare cases where, IMO, we weren't trying to keep the discussion ongoing as much as reach an actual, usable conclusion as a group...and Sahib and I, as active participants in the original discussion, felt that consensus had been reached.


Kobus left for personal, family reasons, not because of the discourse of anyone on this thread. I can assure you of that.


Rick, you asked about the culture here.  98% of the time we are a group that is kind to each other and we are open to and value each others opinions- no trolls allowed..  Every so often someone is less than diplomatic, or shuts someone down without realizing it.  Hey, we are all only human and sometime we wake up on the wrong side of the bed or someone hits us in a sensitive spot.  I personally think the key is to get it out in the open, apologize if appropriate, and move on.


So in that spirit, Daniel, I sincerely apologize for my response to your topic and I promise that next time I will hold my tongue (or fingers) rather than respond in a way that shuts anyone here down.  

I didn't see where the discussion ended and was closed.  I supposed I missed that.  My version of the deleted thread shows Kobus being shot down a bit and then it ends.  If anyone would like it i can send it to you.  Its too big to post in one shot and I didn't know what Sylvia wanted to do with it to be honest.

Sylvia Bernstein said:

To clarify what I'm saying, and I think Sahib is saying by quoting me, is that we feel complete with the original  discussion.  That by NO means says that a new discussion shouldn't be started and enjoyed by those who perhaps didn't participate the last time, or weren't members here yet.  Have at it 

Please send it to me, and we should probably continue this through conversation through PM.  Thanks

Thanks for sending, Dan.  The original discussion is now linked from the first sentence of the What is Aquaponics? page of the Home page. I think it is time to let this discussion now move on.


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