Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Just checking in, lots of Florida AP members here. Veterans and those with active AP systems, what are you growing now? Do you ever have to or choose to put your system on a hibernate stage in the Winter in Florida where you are?

Have any of the newbies set up their aquaponics systems yet? If now, what are you researching? My property is in the panhandle but due to long distance working we've put off our setup until I'm back permanently. We are currently researching various systems, learning the seasonal temps for our property, reviewing fish, plants, setups. We currently have a number of food-grade 50 gal drums in reserve. Slowly purchasing and planting fruit trees on the property. Looking at a system using a green house for the fish tanks. I like the idea of soldier flies. Got a good look at them with the compost pile this Summer, WOW.

Hope this finds you all doing well.



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Hi, welcome aboard.

I am now starting my 2nd year of AP, and what I have learned that works for me is to plant crops that will work with each season.    Now, I am growing kale, kohlrabi, and several herbs.

A good starter system is barrelponics,  it can help you get a taste of aquaponics with what you already have.

I have put up a few videos of my BSF bin, and I have several now that are still going in my bin.    Youtube has been very helpful for me getting stated as there are tons of videos that show you step by step how to get started.


        I'm in the middle of my second year with this system. We are in SW Florida. Our system is doing better than ever. Celery, lettuce, mixed greens, collards, strawberries, green onions, and one big stalk of bananas. I'm keeping a cautious eye on the weather because of the bananas. By this time last year we had a couple of freeze events of several days  or longer. So far it's been pretty mild weather wise. I set up a fish tank loop through a compost pile to heat the water this year. The one time I used it worked really well. If I see more cold weather coming I'll probably have to turn it, and dampen it a little to get some more heat out of it. I really like the cost/return with it though. 

I discovered Aquaponics near the end of 2007, built a barrelponics set up and started fishless cycling by the end of 2007, Started construction on the BIG system around the beginning of 2008 and we got our first Fish in March of 2008.

The big system has been ever changing.

I currently have 3 outdoor aquaponics systems and one Duck-a-ponics system.

There is the Big System which still ever changing with about 700 gallons of fish tank and around 1400 gallons of media beds.  I like to grow out about 70 channel catfish in that one.

The 300 gallon system was started about a year and a half ago then completed about a year ago.  It started with only 300 gallons of grow bed then last December I had a workshop where we put in the other 300 gallons of grow bed.  The fish tank is 300 gallons and currently holds about 100 bluegill.

Then we have the Tower System with a bit over 300 gallons of fish tank and over 50 Zipgrow towers.  That system did act as my quarantine system for my new fish over the summer and now has a mix of channel catfish and bluegill.  I have started taking the towers to market and am starting to set them up at local businesses and even some people's homes for a weekly fresh garden delivery business.

Is this a sort of geothermal application?

Stephen Corbett said:


        I'm in the middle of my second year with this system. We are in SW Florida. Our system is doing better than ever. Celery, lettuce, mixed greens, collards, strawberries, green onions, and one big stalk of bananas. I'm keeping a cautious eye on the weather because of the bananas. By this time last year we had a couple of freeze events of several days  or longer. So far it's been pretty mild weather wise. I set up a fish tank loop through a compost pile to heat the water this year. The one time I used it worked really well. If I see more cold weather coming I'll probably have to turn it, and dampen it a little to get some more heat out of it. I really like the cost/return with it though. 

No it is not geothermal. If you do a web search on heating with compost you will see what it is.

JRComito said:

Is this a sort of geothermal application?

Stephen Corbett said:


        I'm in the middle of my second year with this system. We are in SW Florida. Our system is doing better than ever. Celery, lettuce, mixed greens, collards, strawberries, green onions, and one big stalk of bananas. I'm keeping a cautious eye on the weather because of the bananas. By this time last year we had a couple of freeze events of several days  or longer. So far it's been pretty mild weather wise. I set up a fish tank loop through a compost pile to heat the water this year. The one time I used it worked really well. If I see more cold weather coming I'll probably have to turn it, and dampen it a little to get some more heat out of it. I really like the cost/return with it though. 

I am now going into my second year having started in April 2012. I started with a 900 gallon pool halfway in the ground and about 150 catfish and some goldfish which I thought the catfish would eat but did not. I then bought 50 fingerling bream which the catfish did eat, well most of them. I have about 1000 gallons of media attached and am adding a few more now that I removed the DWC from the large system.

I added an IBC tank about 3 weeks ago and moved the goldfish into it and feed my 12 foot DWC with it.

I am also adding two wicking beds

My wife did not like the hoop house so I am going to use a lumber frame and covering it with clear fiberglass panels in the rear 4 feet (to capture rain) and shade cloth. Shade cloth really makes a difference.


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