Aquaponic Gardening

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Hi all, I guess I should get a discussion going for people to post when they would most like to have the workshop happen.

My place is Near Mount Dora in case you need to look it up on the map to see how long it takes to get there.

Time window, December and see what we can work out from there.

Are weekends best?  (I don't work a "normal" job so for me personally, weekends don't make much difference.)

In that time range

Dec 4/5
Dec 11/12
Dec 18/19

Hum, wish I had figured out how to run a poll on this forum.

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Dec 11 looks good to me.

Suzi Mills said:

TCLynx said:
Getting ready for the workshop!
The expansion is gonna happen even if no one shows up so that chance for the workshop will be a one time only.

However, I've got plenty of other ideas for workshops or classes if people are keen.

Anyway, I got some new bins and baskets today for gravel washing. Really hoping I have assistance this time as it's far more fun and goes so much faster with company. Should be able to set up at least 4 gravel washing stations with two swish bins each.
Each station can easily keep two people busy, one person swishing while the other person does gravel supply duty. Additional positions available;
Gravel shoveler
Gravel toter
Grow bed filler (this one is actually kinda fun.)

The educational focus of this workshop is the physical construction, plumbing, and gravel of a system.
The tools, materials and how to use them. Cutting, plumbing and gravel washing with a brief comment on leveling the supports for the grow beds.

Now who has comments on which weekend in December they are most likely to attend. I am currently leaning to the 11/12 weekend, if no one speaks up soon, I'll set that date.
Gotta type something
I've set the dates for Dec 11 and 12.
Hopefully I can get my new gravel guard materials before then so we can test something new out.

Making progress on cleaning up the back yard to have work and class space.

Is anyone out there planning to attend that would be willing to lend a canopy in case of rain? (so we could at least stay dry for lunch) I can put up some shade cloth temporarily to deal with sun. but rain would be harder to deal with.
Well have bins to hold water set up for gravel washing stations and adjustable height stands. The cook has moved some good loads of wood chips to tidy up the back yard since the chickens had made dangerous sand pits when they had access.

Got the stock tanks so I guess I'd better get a move on and get the rest of the materials lined up. :)
We have stock tank, Blocks, Some of the plumbing and the rest is being delivered tomorrow morning. Only a couple more items to get to be ready for the build.
Got the stock tanks and blocks. Check
Got the pipe and fittings. Check
Got the gravel washing bins and baskets. Check
Space getting prepared for the event.

Just waiting on some new materials for gravel guards and need to get a delivery of gravel.

We moved the towers over to the big system for now and we have pulled the banana plants our of the three existing stock tanks so that I have enough light down on the beds for planting some cool weather veggies. Looking more open back there now.

I think the disturbance has caused a little nitrite spike since the water test this evening showed a trace of nitrate but the ammonia was still 0.

Looking forward to getting this system up to a 2:1 grow bed to fish tank ratio.
Remember that anyone who attends will get to see the indexing valve in action.
Have done a little plumbing layout and leveling prep. Just waiting on my gravel guard material and need to get a load of gravel delivered.

Looks like everything is set up for 12/11. Any particular time? Also need address.I will be there w/ my 13 yr old. Someone my husband works w/ wants to come too. Do we need to bring anything to work w/, to eat, to share?

TCLynx said:
Have done a little plumbing layout and leveling prep. Just waiting on my gravel guard material and need to get a load of gravel delivered.
Here is the event link
There is a map, address, phone number there.
Figure on starting around 10 am and going till about 4 pm each day.

I'll have some waivers for people to sign since we will be doing some work and washing some gravel.

I recommend shoes as sandals tend to invite biting ants to taste feet here (no chemicals used to get rid of ants here.)
Depending on weather and temperature, gravel washers might want to bring dry clothes or towels for the drive home.

Don't dress up, grubby work clothes are totally appropriate. Whenever I glue PVC, I always end up getting stained by the primer. Gravel washing is always a bit wet and messy.

Anyone who wishes to bring small buckets (like 1-2 gallon) they are very handy to use.

Hum. I guess I'd better figure out what's for lunch each of the days so I can throw out some options for the pot luck. I figure on providing sandwich stuff one day and perhaps fish tacos the other day so pot luck options could be things like salad, potato salad, chips, salsa, dip, deserts and that sort of thing.
Just reminding everyone that the workshop is coming up this weekend. All who are planning to attend let me know.

I'll have smoked catfish dip on hand for snacking. I'll also probably make chile in case it is cool out and figured we would do fish tacos one of the days.

I'll recommend salad and dipping stuff as well as bread and deserts if people need help figuring out what to bring. If you are vegetarian, ya might want to bring a vegetarian dish as I'm not terribly good at keeping things especially meat "free".

Here is a shot showing the layout with the pile of gravel near the washing stations (adjustable height) and the grow beds only a couple steps past the washing stations.

We will be leveling the last grow bed and cutting/gluing the plumbing on the first day (Sat) and will finish up washing gravel and planting the beds hopefully by the end of the day Sunday. I do hope the weather warms back up.
In between all that there will be plenty of time for system explanations and tours.


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