Aquaponic Gardening

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I am still trying to figure out how this works....


Looks cool.   I can think of several applications for this.

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Super cool.  Please post when you figure it out. 

simple if you set a bowl, fishtank, or in this case a very large glass flower vase upside down in another body of water and suck the air out the water will rise to the top. if its on legs or bricks or suported of the bottom so the fish can swim under the will go up in the tube. look up upsidedown fishtanks on youtube.

Biggest trick is how to keep the air out of it since if air bubbles rise up in it eventually you wind up with air in the top and eventually you will have to some how suck all the air out again.


Or, how the heck do you keep it clean, I imagine algae would grow fast up in there.

You guys ain't seen nothing yet.


Chi that is SOOOOO kool.     This should be setup for a demo of aquaponics.


There is a scene from a Jackie Chan Flick that has fish going thru tubes like gerbils.   


So cool.



I want to know how he is sucking the air out of the top constantly enough to keep the water up there even with the air stone under the open bottom portion?

I understand how it works in principle.  But what constant method can be used to constantly suck the air out to keep it functioning long term without risk of failure.  I've done water bridges (no holes overflows) but if they get gas they fail.

I've also had those check valves fail when I had installed one to allow me to suck the air out of a no holes overflow to keep it running.  Or even a tiny air leak allowing air back into the top tank could let the water come down and if the bottom tank is not deep enough to handle all the water from the top tank you get a mess.


Still really cool ideas, just need some careful planning to make sure it keeps working.

No guts no glory Aleece 

I got guts, easy, no carpet or wood floors.

In the ornamental fish groups, they call it a bottomless aquarium.


To suck the air out, you can use an aquarium overhead filter pump fitted with a venturi snorkel. Just make sure the snorkel input is at the top of the tank.


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