Aquaponic Gardening

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Anybody have a location to purchase monitors that I can use for online (web) access.  I want to monitor my system when I am on travel.  Someone had a system on youtube but he did not give any suggestions on the hardware it would take.  I am looking to monitor PH, PPM, Nitrite levels, etc. 

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Michael, that person you saw on YouTube might have been Rob Torcellini. He is a member here, and runs the Greenhouse Group.
How do I get to him. His monitoring system was very cool, and being a programmer, I wanted to do something similar.
Here is a link to his member profile - He is a great guy, and is working on a greenhouse expansion now that will be very cool and high-tech, I'm sure.

Did you finally get some sleep?

Michael sanders said:
How do I get to him. His monitoring system was very cool, and being a programmer, I wanted to do something similar.
If you can't get ideas for what you need from Rob (or until he gets back to you) you might do some internet searching for aquarium controllers. I'm not certain you will find what you need but it is an option.
Another option might be to look up Aquatic Eco Systems to see if any of their controllers or meters can link to the internet to let you check what you want.

Once a system is well cycled (and as long as the feeding is controlled and the stocking is not over much) I think pH, and monitoring to see that the pumps and DO are operating properly might be more useful.

To keep an eye on pump operation, I wonder if a camera (like a security camera) could be set up to web cast.

I leave my system for weeks at a time with the neighbor simply making sure the pump is running when he stopps by to collect eggs and fill the chicken feeders. I sometimes think it would be nice to have some monitoring but I've gotten by for 2 and a half years without.
Thanks currently I have a webcam setup and an internet connection, so I can see it when on travel, but being able to see the water meters and be able to feed the fish remotely would be great.

TCLynx said:
If you can't get ideas for what you need from Rob (or until he gets back to you) you might do some internet searching for aquarium controllers. I'm not certain you will find what you need but it is an option.
Another option might be to look up Aquatic Eco Systems to see if any of their controllers or meters can link to the internet to let you check what you want.

Once a system is well cycled (and as long as the feeding is controlled and the stocking is not over much) I think pH, and monitoring to see that the pumps and DO are operating properly might be more useful.

To keep an eye on pump operation, I wonder if a camera (like a security camera) could be set up to web cast.

I leave my system for weeks at a time with the neighbor simply making sure the pump is running when he stopps by to collect eggs and fill the chicken feeders. I sometimes think it would be nice to have some monitoring but I've gotten by for 2 and a half years without.
Sounds like you need a YSI 5200 water quality monitor. It will allow you to monitor PH, DO, Temp and conductivity as well as allow you to control feeding cycles, lighting etc. You can also program it to text you alerts when DO levels drop, temp gets to high etc. Awesome piece of equipment but pretty pricy for a hobbyist.
Michael, has a method to get your data onto your network.  The main problem is getting the sensors at a decent price in order to collect the data.  I can help with hardware and/or programming if required.



See if this is what you are looking for:

Scroll down to:


MULTICHANNEL PROCESSERS for control andmanagement


Also John Rosheck, member of this site, is creating one; don't think he's ready to sell. 




I've built a control and monitoring system for the small aquaponics system I'm putting together. It uses a microprocessor board to interface and control the aquaponics system and is connected to a PC running linux that can make data available over the internet and send alerts via email (and text message) if there's a problem.  Not a packaged product in any respect but I'd be willing to share if others are interested in (quite possibly) needlessly complex systems.



Homefire said:



See if this is what you are looking for:

Scroll down to:


MULTICHANNEL PROCESSERS for control andmanagement


Also John Rosheck, member of this site, is creating one; don't think he's ready to sell. 



Hello John R,


Count me the right price, I would love to try such a system. Please let me know :-)


God bless,



Thanks for the interest.  Right now I think the price would be right, free!  As in I can help you build something but I don't have anything to sell.  If building something is of interest to you then please let me know.  What I have going requires a significant amount of technical know-how.  I've done this for a living and to me its just the hammer I already have for the aquaponics nail I want to put to work.


What I'd like to do commercially is to design some modules that could be scattered around a greenhouse to measure or control various items.  I'd want these to be as inexpensive as possible while still being able to survive the environment.  These would all be connected together to a PC (or two - redundancy rocks) that would provide a web site for monitoring and control of all the modules.  If anyone out there has ideas about what those modules should measure or control I'd really like to hear them.



Sahib Punjabi said:

Hello John R,


Count me the right price, I would love to try such a system. Please let me know :-)


God bless,

I'm not sure what a "good price" for such a system should be, but I am currently looking for something quite advanced for a research greenhouse I use.  I was looking for point monitoring, data logging, web interface and the ability to mess around with settings online.  I got quotes from Hanna and YSI, but there is another company out there, Aquatronica ( with systems that are a lot cheaper.  I cannot build my own stuff, thus a complete package as they offer is quite appealing to me.  Only issue is you have to scratch through their component lists and build up your own cost estimate of what you want and what it is going to cost, but it seem to be a lot more affordable that "scientific" units.  Also their software can be re-programmed and updated off their site.

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