Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

This is a place to inform others about web sites that are on the shady side.


I am starting this discussion because of a recent incident.Earlier this week I was informed by a member of this community that one of my pictures was being used without my knowledge or permission. The picture was being used to sell a commercial system for £1,000.00. The site claims that they are "aquaponic experts" but do not have their own pictures to use. Most of their products seen to be more hydro stuff.

The site is also using the BYAP nitrogen cycle diagram. It seems they copied and pasted what ever pictures and images that they wanted off this site and others and used them on their own site. After many nasty emails they took my picture down and replaced it with another one that was likely ripped.

With the explosion in popularity of AP this kind of thing will become more common and there will be more sited out there trying to rip us off. We need to be vigilant and keep a look out for these shady sites and warn others.

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It looks to me like they are using the embed code from your youtube video to show it.  You could probably even go in and see if making the video private or changing the sharing settings messes up the video feed to them.  If it does, then adding a watermark should show up in the video.  However, I don't think you really want to be associated with that affiliate so I would be e-mailing them ASAP telling them they should ask before using your video for commercial purposes and you would appreciate them removing your video from their site.


Have you gone to the link your video directs people to?  Beware, the page will try to keep you from leaving with repeated pop ups while they try to get you to pay $26 for an e-book that probably only tells you stuff that is already available free and has been plagiarized from the internet anyway.

I'll try changing the embed code and the shared settings, maybe duplicate one from someone flatuating.....LOL, that;ll mess them up.


Yep too late, already clicked on it when I first come across it earlier...but I will send the email.

So if I change the shared settings and/or make it private how will it effect the video? And/or will it effect the showing of it here by changing those settings?


and what about the rssnichefeed one that had my video, exactly what it that?

Making it private I was just suggesting as a temporary thing to check and see if it interrupted their access to it (it would also interrupt access by anyone else.)  But then You would know that you could go in and edit the video, adding a watermark and make it public again.

You may need to update the embed codes for the video posted here and it's possible that the originals in the rss feeds might be broken links if you re-upload the video or someting.

I changed the settings on my youtube account, it appears the link is broken now and their page no longer shows my setup, These guys appear to be some real gems from the comments, feedbacks and emails I've read here and on my youtube site.

Being these guys are allegedly pioneers, one has to wonder why these armchair pioneers don't build their own systems instead of having to resort to using other peoples videos without their authorization.


Anyways, thanks everyone for the assistance....especially TC

the mad german said:

Being these guys are allegedly pioneers, one has to wonder why these armchair pioneers don't build their own systems instead of having to resort to using other peoples videos without their authorization.


They don't build their own systems... because they have no interest in aquaponics... they're just "affilaite marketers"... that use template "pay per click"  techniques based  on "borrowed" information to make money from any popular idea....


They're just parasites...

the mad german said:

I changed the settings on my youtube account, it appears the link is broken now and their page no longer shows my setup

What settings did you change??

My shared settings. Which ones? I couldn't tell you being I tried so many, Apparently whatever I did worked because their link is now broken and the site no longer shows my videos, I was worried about it effecting here.

Either that or they read someones comment and pulled it.

RupertofOZ said:

the mad german said:

I changed the settings on my youtube account, it appears the link is broken now and their page no longer shows my setup

What settings did you change??
Glad it worked
Agree 100%

RupertofOZ said:

the mad german said:

Being these guys are allegedly pioneers, one has to wonder why these armchair pioneers don't build their own systems instead of having to resort to using other peoples videos without their authorization.


They don't build their own systems... because they have no interest in aquaponics... they're just "affilaite marketers"... that use template "pay per click"  techniques based  on "borrowed" information to make money from any popular idea....


They're just parasites...

Definately had something to do with the shared settings.....................your assistance was greatly appreciated.

TCLynx said:
Glad it worked

Hi Everyone. I just wanted to add a bit to the discussion so we aren't rewarding any scammers in our post.

TC's earlier post about not posting links was right on! In addition, if you don't want to provide the googlebots with any info relating to the sham sites then split the name up. Even writing a shamdomainnamedownlikethis DOT COM is picked up by the bots. Maybe, maybe not with a full link but when it is a unique word/phrase like shamdomainnamedownlikethis it is indexed and weighted (given a value).  Especially considering the content of this community.

Its better to write it like this; sham /domain  /name /down /like /this dot com or something along those lines.

Here's one for you Sylvia... very kindly cut off the bit that attributes the image to yourself...



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