Aquaponic Gardening

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So, I hate fish. Well, eating them anyways. So I had to find something that I like to eat. In comes Mr. Red Claw Crayfish <--click link. Vegeterian, non territorial, prolific breeder, gets to 1.25 pounds. Sounds good to me! So I went in search of the elusive Red Claw. There were only a few people that carry them 2 here in California and one I found in Florida. The one in Florida is the only one that bothered returning my call and answering my E-mails. So they get my business. The place is called Stick Fins Fish Farm <--click link. I ordered them last week they shipped yesterday via USPS Express Mail and arrived alive and happy 11 A.M. at my doorstep. I highly recommend Stick Fins!



Here are some pics:

I love presents!

 Arrived packaged well. Styrofoam box, care sheet, heat packs, double bagged with ammonia reducer pellets.



In a quarantine tank til spring

This is a "small breeder".

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I had the water go down as low as 45 degrees for 2 weeks. These guys got very lethargic almost lifeless. My strategy is to grow them out from spring to fall. Babies  and a few breeders will get over wintered indoors. Rinse and repeat.


Well... it got over 100 degrees in my garage and I lost all the babies. Sonofabitch! 
Sorry to hear that man.Get back on that pony. :)
Oh no!  I'm sorry, Chi.

Do you need a permit in CA?


Not that I know of.

Conrad Chin-Yee said:

Do you need a permit in CA?


Gettin back on the pony.


Dear Chi,


I just found your wonderful story/experiment and thank you for the information.  I look forward as everyone else to how you are doing in the next chapter.  I am still in the 'thinking about it' stage of starting an aquaponics set up, so I thought I would look into crayfish/rice/other edible plants set ups (I know the Louisiana farmers do a rice pond/crayfish arrangement).  Thank you for all the incredible information you have provided.  Catherine.

Nice looking egg cluster how many days till hatch. I got a few craws in my tank but they keep climbing out they like to hold on to the air bubbler tubing

Chi Ma said:

Gettin back on the pony.


Hey Nick. Mine were doing that until I put lots of hiding places. They also like a bit of current so a powerhead will help.

Chi Ma,

What kind of set up do you have for raising the red claws? Are they being raised as part of you aquaponic system?



Hey Conrad, they are in this >>> system here. Nothing special was done.

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