Mike that's great, an engineer that went with the most simple method.
I would recommend making any siphon more accessible than a basket buried under the media. My experience is that you will eventually need to get your hand in there to remove roots and that kinda sucks if you have to dig out gravel to manage it.
I've made the mistake of putting the holes for the timed flood and drain stand pipes in some of my beds such that they are in-accessible, I will soon need to dig out one of those beds to re-do the gravel guard to make it possible to access the bottom of the stand pipe. Lesson learned, always make drains accessible.
Thta's a very good point. Not having to deal with maintenance yet, I thought having the extra real-estate for crops would be good.Plus the weight of the media keeps the basket pressed against the floor without having to put a ring of sealant down there.
I guess I should incorporate a basket such that it surrounds the siphon and extends all the way up to keep the media away. It makes it fun to watch the siphon that way, too. On to Rev 5.
TCLynx said:
I would recommend making any siphon more accessible than a basket buried under the media. ... ... I will soon need to dig out one of those beds to re-do the gravel guard to make it possible to access the bottom of the stand pipe. Lesson learned, always make drains accessible.
Hi Raychel, yeah, please do share..thanks! ~Michelle
Raychel A Watkins said:
Aloha Steve
Thanks for the kind words about my place. I truly am trusting God to show me what to do. You are asking about siphons, I use bell siphons right now. They can be tricky but I found out if you make them the same way each time and then just adjust the flow of water in and away from the siphon I have good results. I tkink you have to mature into them.
If you watched the last of the video about the meetup you will see Glen Martinez demonstrating what he calls a bucket siphon. These work everytime and will never flood nor stop. In the next 2 weeks I am going to arrange to go to Glens and learn how to make it and hope to share it with all It is amazing
Hi Raychel, yeah, please do share..thanks! ~Michelle
Raychel A Watkins said:Aloha Steve
Thanks for the kind words about my place. I truly am trusting God to show me what to do. You are asking about siphons, I use bell siphons right now. They can be tricky but I found out if you make them the same way each time and then just adjust the flow of water in and away from the siphon I have good results. I tkink you have to mature into them.
If you watched the last of the video about the meetup you will see Glen Martinez demonstrating what he calls a bucket siphon. These work everytime and will never flood nor stop. In the next 2 weeks I am going to arrange to go to Glens and learn how to make it and hope to share it with all It is amazing
I am going to Glen's on Tuesday and I hope to come home with a bucket siphon and I can make a video and show how it works. I believe it is fabulous and seems fool proof. But what is ever foolproof.
I'm curious about this bucket siphon as well, is it just a siphon connected externally to the bed? Ever get a video of the setup?
hey yall,
here's some premade round mesh siphon guards: http://www.aquaticeco.com/subcategories/821/Mesh-Tubes-Plastic
hey yall,
here's some premade round mesh siphon guards: http://www.aquaticeco.com/subcategories/821/Mesh-Tubes-Plastic
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